On Tuesday May 30 2023 at 5pm-6pm EDT (21:00-22:00 UTC) the Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) presents the IPNSIG Academy ‘Architecture and Governance Workshop’.
Today, as several initiatives, including the Government, Space Agencies, and the private sector, expand communication capabilities off the planet, to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, it is the time to discuss how a “Common Interplanetary Network Infrastructure” could be realized, which entails the need for Governance – a management structure to support the operation of the infrastructure itself.
The IPNSIG Architecture and Governance Working Group (AWG) has tackled these important subjects by reflecting on the lessons learned from the Internet’s evolution, and from insights provided by our past Academy speakers. This session will examine the progress and prospects in this field.
Yosuke Kaneko – IPNSIG President
Vint Cerf – IGF Leadership Panel Chair / IPNSIG Board Member
Marc Blanchet – IPNSIG AWG Member
Jim Schier – NASA
LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/ipnsigacademy12
PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/42pGqAF
REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/43eVuC3
TWITTER #IPNSIGacademy #DTN #netgov @IPNSIG @vgcerf Yosuke Kaneko @JAXA_en
Marc BLANCHET Jim Schier @NASA #space
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