WEBINAR MONDAY: #CommunityNetworks / Innovations in #Spectrum Management #SwitchItOn @ISOC_LAC @InternetSociety
In November 2017 the Internet Society released a policy paper brief Spectrum Approaches for Community Networks. In May 2018 another brief Unleashing Community Networks: Innovative Licensing Approaches was published. Earlier in August the preview of a full paper Innovations in Spectrum Management was released. On Monday August 27 2018 at Noon EDT (16:00 UTC) the Internet Society Latin America & Caribbean Bureau will present a webinar to explore the details of this paper. This webinar is a follow up to the Community Networks Workshop at the recent CANTO Conference in Panama City.
What: WEBINAR MONDAY: Community Networks / Innovations in Spectrum Management
When: Monday August 27 2018 at Noon EDT (16:00 UTC)
Zoom: https://isoc.zoom.us/j/148587642r
ISOC Community Networks: https://www.internetsociety.org/issues/community-networks
#SwitchItOn Campaign: http://www.internetsociety.org/shapetomorrow/switchiton
Twitter: #SwitchItOn https://bit.ly/switchiton