From May 17 to May 20 2024 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in collaboration with People Centered Internet (PCI) is holding three events that will celebrate three ‘Milestones’ in the development of the Internet. The first Milestone celebrates the 50th anniversary of publication of an IEEE technical paper describing TCP, a key component enabling the Internet’s reliability. The second Milestone is for the IEEE 802 Standards Committee, which manages the rules by which Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and multiple wireless specialty networks (e.g., CCC, CSA, FIRa, Wi-SUN, Thread Group) operate. The third Milestone is for the PageRank Algorithm and the Birth of Google.
Fri, May 17, 3pm-5pm PT (22:00-00:00 UTC) – The Office of the Future: 3 IEEE Milestones Honoring SRI and Its Xerox PARC Heritage
Vint Cerf, Vice President / Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Bob Metcalfe, Co-designer of Ethernet at Xerox PARC; the “Father” of Ethernet
Tom Coughlin, President, IEEE
Brian Berg, Vice Chair, IEEE History Committee
Host: Dr. David Parekh, CEO, SRI
Sun, May 19, 12 Noon – 3:15pm PT (19:00-21:15 UTC) – A Celebration of 50 Years of the Internet
12:00 PDT / 19:00 UTC – Opening Remarks
Mei Lin Fung, Co-chair & Co-founder | People Centered Internet
Thomas Coughlin, President, IEEE
12:10 PDT / 19:10 UTC – TCP and the Internet – Origins and Subsequent Impact
Vint Cerf, Vice President, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Bob Kahn, Chair and CEO, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Judy Estrin, CEO, JLabs
John Shoch, Office Systems Division President, Xerox PARC
12:35 PDT / 19:35 UTC – Internet and Beyond – Internet Society & Internet Engineering Task Force
Sally Wentworth, Managing Director, The Internet Society
12:50 PDT / 19:50 UTC – The People-Centered Digital Future Countries are Building
Moderatior: David Kirkpatrick, Senior Fellow, People Centered Internet
Sanjay Jain, Director, Digital Public Infrastructure, Gates Foundation
Pramod Varma, Architect of India Digital Public Infrastructure, Aadhar, UPI, ONDC
13:20 PDT / 20:20 UTC – Digital Transformation and Ancestral Intelligence in the Era of AI
The Honorable Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister, Greece
Konstantinos Karachalios, former Managing Director, IEEE Standards Association
13:55 PDT / 20:55 UTC – Panel Session – How Can We Ensure AI Serves Everyone, Everywhere?
Moderator: Kate Wilson, Senior Fellow, People Centered Internet
Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor, a2i, ICT Division/Cabinet Division/UNDP Bangladesh
Fei Fei Li, Co-Director, Stanford’s Institute for Human Centered AI
Keith Strier, VP, Worldwide AI, NVIDIA; US National AI Advisory Council
14:25 PDT / 21:25 UTC Illumination and Communication: Advancing Human-Centric Technology
Sophie Muirhead, IEEE Executive Director & COO
14:35 PDT / 21:35 UTC IEEE 802 Standards Committee – Panel Session
Tuncer Baykas, Moderator (IEEE 802.19 Working Group Chair)
Jyotika Athavale, IEEE Computer Society President
Maris Graube, Originator of the IEEE 802 Standards Committee
Geoff Thompson, Initiator of the IEEE 802 Standards Committee Milestone, Past Chair 802.3 Working Group
James Gilb, IEEE 802 Executive Committee Chair
Robert Stacey, IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair
Clint Powell, IEEE 802.15 Working Group Chair
15:05 PDT / 22:05 UTC – Closing Reflections
Mei Lin Fung, Chair, Co-chair & Co-founder | People Centered Internet
Bob Metcalfe, Co-designer of Ethernet at Xerox PARC; the “Father” of Ethernet
Mon, May 20, 1pm-4pm PT (20:00-23:00 UTC) – IEEE Milestone Celebration: TCP, 802 Standards, and Google
Vint Cerf, Vice President / Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Bob Metcalfe, Co-designer of Ethernet at Xerox PARC; the “Father” of Ethernet
Distinguished researchers and scientists from Google
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PCI Press Release
IEEE Press Release