WEBCAST JUL 14 – IGF Leadership Panel Press Conference

UN Web tvOn Friday July 14 2023 at 09:30 CEST (07:30 UTC) the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) will webcast a press conference about the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Leadership Panel‘s mandate supporting the IGF and the scope of its activities since the Panel’s establishment one year ago.

Vinton Cerf, Chair, IGF Leadership Panel / VP + Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Maria Ressa, Vice-Chair, IGF Leadership Panel / 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

VIEW ON UNTV https://media.un.org/en/asset/k17/k179xo0hnk

TWITTER #igf leadership panel #IGF2023 @intgovforum @vgcerf Maria Ressa