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  • isoc-ny 7:23 am on April 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Diaspora developers present to ISOC-NY – a “privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network” 

    On Feb 5 2010 Eben Moglen challenged the tech community to liberate the world from the shackles of social media conglomerates by developing the “freedom box” – a distributed peer-to-peer equivalent. On Apr 22 2010 four NYU students briefed ISOC-NY on their response to Moglen’s challenge – diaspora – a “privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network”. The project went live on kickstarter the next day.

    ogv | mp4 | stills | youtube | mp3 | ogg

  • isoc-ny 2:08 am on April 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    On April 23 the FCC released A Giant Leap & A Big Deal: Delivering on the Promise of Equal Access to Broadband for People with Disabilities – a study of the numerous barriers to broadband usage faced by people with disabilities.

    The study reports that:

    • Only 42 percent of people with disabilities have high-speed Internet.
    • 39 percent of all non-adopters have a disability.

    The paper builds upon the three broad recommendations from the National Broadband Plan
    *the creation of a Broadband Accessibility Working Group (“BAWG”) within the Executive Branch;
    *the establishment of an Accessibility and Innovation Forum at the FCC
    *the modernization of accessibility laws, rules, and related subsidy programs by the FCC, the Department of Justice, and Congress.

  • isoc-ny 3:41 pm on April 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Harlem’s Global Tech Prep – poster child for tech in NYC schools 

    A lengthy profile in Gotham Gazette details innovative implementation of technology in one of the city’s schools. Students at Global Technology Preparatory all get school issued Dell laptops, have flexible hours, online classes with remote teachers, stimulating and multilingual courseware.

    The program is one of ten pilot schools in the Innovation Zone, or iZone initiative, a partnership between the City and corporate sponsors. The program will be expanded to 81 public schools in the 2010-2011 school year

  • isoc-ny 3:07 pm on April 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    U.S. House of Representatives unveils HouseLive.gov -searchable / downloadable video webcast system 

    The U.S. House of Representatives has unveiled searchable / downloadable video webcast system HouseLive.gov. Here is Speaker Pelosi’s announcement.

    This service is from Granicus, who already do a similar thing for Los Angeles and San Francisco’s City Councils, amongst others. It’s a proven system. You can see them here pitching NYC. The search facility is great, allowing viewers to jump directly to the point in any video where a certain phrase is mentioned. That, combined with the fact they also offer downloads puts them way ahead of anything in central government – including the FCC!

    The only possible criticism is that it is based on proprietary software, with Microsoft’s Silverlight plug-in doing the streaming, and iPod-ready mp4 and mp3 for downloads.

    • joly 3:13 pm on April 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I note the boilerplate:

      Proceedings of the House of Representatives, including any recording of such proceedings, may not be used for any political purpose or in any commercial advertisement, and may not be broadcast with commercial sponsorship except as part of a bona fide news program or public affairs documentary program.

      I had thought such proceedings were public domain, apparently not.

  • isoc-ny 2:54 pm on April 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    ISOC-NY Planning Meeting – tonight 4/22 

    ISOC-NY will have a planning meeting tonight April 22 2010. A special feature tonight will be a brief presentation by NYU students on their work developing the Freedom Box idea suggested by Eben Moglen at his recent talk.

    • What: ISOC-NY Planning meeting
    • When: Thu Apr 22 2010 6.30pm-8.00pm
    • Where: Room 412, Warren Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer Street NYC (SW corner of West 4th) (See note below)
    • All are welcome. Come along for a chat!

    (More …)

  • isoc-ny 3:51 am on April 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    FCC kicks of National Broadband Plan with 6 proceedings including USF, and survivability 

    CommLawBlog notes that the FCC has launched an initial six proceedings in the National Broadband Plan program:

    Brief public notices  recap each: Universal Service Fund; Roaming Obligations; Survivability; Cyber Security Certification; and Set-top Boxes.

  • isoc-ny 3:40 pm on April 21, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    ACTA draft officially released 

    The post New Zealand negotiating draft of the the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has been officially released.

    The European Commission’s official statement is here

  • isoc-ny 10:54 pm on April 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Video: The Crowd and the Cloud Symposium: Georgetown U. 4/20 

    The Communication, Culture and Technology Program at Georgetown University held a symposium The Crowd and the Cloud: Innovation, Collaboration, and the Next Phase of Computing today. The full day symposium explored how new developments in information technology and communications are enabling innovation to occur online, across national, corporate, and organizational boundaries.

    Some video is below:

    (More …)

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