New York City School of Data is a community conference showcasing NYC’s civic design, civic/government technology, and open data ecosystem.
Date: Saturday, 3 March 2018
Location: Rise NYC, 43 West 23rd Street, 2nd Floor, Flatiron District, Manhattan.
Registration: $30, (or $80 Solidarity Ticket). Includes breakfast, lunch, snacks. Free, on-site childcare available..
Register via Eventbrite
New York City School of Data is organized by BetaNYC – NYC’s Civic technology, data, and design community. The conversations and workshops will empower you to improve our neighborhoods and our lives. The day is framed to celebrate NYC’s transformative open data law and International Open Data Day, while kicking off NYC’s second annual open data week. This year’s conversations will focus on four key areas: digital literacy & privacy, smart & wise cities, effective & open government, and civic & government technology.
In addition to exciting panels and workshops, all participants are welcomed to a #hackhall — a daylong open space for open source civic & government technology projects.
Sessions include:
*Discriminnovation & the future of NYC’s Open Algorithm Law
*The future of open source & digital services with NYC Planning
*Civic Engagement in NYC: The landscape & where we’re headed with Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics
*Reducing the anxiety of NYC middle school applications through open data & peer networks
*Libraries: your partner in safeguarding privacy with METRO & the City’s library systems
*Oversight + mapping = advocating for a healthy internet at the local level hosted by Mozilla Foundation
*Workshop – Truth in Broadband User Testing with The Mayor’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (NYC CTO)
*Workshop – BetaNYC’s Intro to BoardStat & Civic Data Journeys
*Workshop – NYC DOITT GIS / mapping NYC 311 with open source tools developed by the city
*Workshop – NYC Planning & future of PLUTO
Featured HackHall Projects & Organizations:
*NYC Department of City Planning
*NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications’ GIS department
*Sunlight Foundation & their Open Data Census
*Hacking a Smart City Together, a smart city workshop using arduinos
*The Grid – the tool to measure pedestrian activity
*New York Public Library’s “Connections” guide & data liberation into Street Lives
*The Refugee Libraries Project
Check out videos and previous conference materials: https://schoolofdata.nyc
Read The People’s Roadmap to a Digital New York City: http://nycroadmap.us
Event Code of Conduct: http://bit.ly/betanyc-coc
Venue sponsor:
Rise New York – a global community of startups and corporates creating the future of commerce and fintech by helping startups and entrepreneurs connect, co-create, and scale innovation.