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  • ISOC Live 10:02 pm on January 30, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    WEBCAST Feb 12 – State of the Net 2024 

    isoc liveOn Monday February 12 2024, from 9am-5:15pm EST (14:00-22:15 UTC), the Internet Education Foundation presents the 2024 State of the Internet (SOTN) conference in Washington DC.

    The livestream is provided via a partnership with the Internet Society Washington DC Chapter.

    01 Welcome / Introductions (youtube / otter)
    Tim Lordan – Executive Director, Internet Education Foundation
    02 Fireside Chat with Alan Davidson (youtube / otter)
    Cat Zakrzewski – National Tech Policy Correspondent, The Washington Post
    The Honorable Alan Davidson – US Department of Commerce, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator
    03 Keynote with Representative Don Beyer (youtube / otter)
    The Honorable Don Beyer – Representative of Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, US House of Representatives
    04 Keynote With The White House’s Deirdre Mulligan (youtube / otter)
    Deirdre Mulligan – Principal Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
    05 Keynote with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr (youtube / otter)
    The Honorable Brendan Carr – Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
    06 Driving Efficiencies and Better Internet Experiences – Lessons from Netflix (youtube / otter)
    Michael Smith – Director of Interconnection – United States and Canada, Netflix
    07 AI At Work: Preserving Worker Dignity In Workplace Hiring, Management, and Compensation (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Ashley Gold – Tech Reporter, Axios
    Benjamin Della Rocca – Senior Policy Advisor, The White House
    Vivian Schiller – Vice President and Executive Director, The Aspen Institute
    Dr. Athina Kanioura – Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, PepsiCo
    Aiha Nguyen – Project Director, Labor Futures Initiative, Data & Society Research
    08 Intelligent Threats: Understanding AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity Policy (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Heather West – Senior Director, Cybersecurity and Privacy Services, Venable LLP
    Austin Carson – Founder & President, SeedAI
    Alissa Starzak – Cloudflare
    Grace Abuhamad – Chief of Staff, National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    Charley Snyder – Head of Security Policy, Google

    09 Navigating the Digital Playground: Age Verification, Privacy, and Free Speech for Youth Online (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Naomi Nix – Social Media Reporter, The Washington Post
    Daniel Castro – Vice President, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
    John Carr – Secretary, UK Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety
    Haley Hinkle – Policy Counsel, Fairplay
    Maureen Flatley – Stop Child Predators Advisor, Maureen Flatley
    10 The Future Of Spectrum Policymaking: Charting America’s Technological Future (youtube / otter)
    Umair Javed – Senior Vice President, CTIA
    11 Internet Routing Security (youtube / otter)
    Jason Livingood – Vice President – Technology Policy, Product & Standards, Comcast

    12 Expanding Digital Opportunity Nationwide: Collaborative Efforts of the FCC and NTIA (youtube / otter)
    Mark Colón – US Department of Commerce, Director, NTIA
    Alejandro Roark – Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
    13 Design of the Times: New Opportunities to Unlock Commercial Spectrum for Innovation and Wireless Competition (youtube / otter)
    Becky Tangren – Vice President & Associate General Counsel, NCTA – The Internet & Television Association
    14 Ditch the Glitch: New Network Responsiveness Approaches for a Better Broadband User Experience (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Jason Livingood – Vice President – Technology Policy, Product & Standards, Comcast
    Dominique Lazanski – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh
    Nick Feamster – Neubauer Professor of Computer Science, Director at Data Science Institute, University of Chicago
    Mike Conlow – Director of Network Strategy, Cloudflare
    Ermin Sakic – Senior Systems Software Engineer (Cloud Networking), NVIDIA
    15 The AI Governance Puzzle: Assembling the Pieces of Policy and Trust (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Oma Seddiq – Tech Policy Reporter, Bloomberg Government
    Dr. Travis Hall – Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Policy Analysis and Development (OPAD), National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
    Adam Thierer – Senior Fellow, R Street Institute
    Evangelos Razis – Senior Manager, Public Policy, Workday
    Miranda Bogen – Director, AI Governance Lab, Center for Democracy & Technology
    16 The High Court and Online Expression: Deciphering the Legal Landscape (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Nadine Farid Johnson – Policy Director, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University
    Jess Miers – Senior Counsel, Chamber of Progress
    Matt Wood, Vice President of Policy & General Counsel, Free Press
    Nicole Saad-Bembridge – Counsel, NetChoice
    Olivier Sylvain – Professor of Law, Fordham University Law
    17 Fireside Chat with FTC Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya (youtube / otter)
    Cristiano Lima-Strong – Tech Policy Reporter, The Washington Post
    The Honorable Alvaro Bedoya – Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission
    18 AI Interoperability: A Proposed Framework For Competition, Innovation, and Human Agency (youtube / otter)
    Richard Whitt – President, GLIA Foundation
    19 Keynote with Representative Glenn Ivey (youtube / otter)
    The Honorable Glenn Ivey – Representative of Maryland’s 4th Congressional District, US House of Representatives
    20 Growing Push for Digital ID Could Remake the Internet (youtube / otter)
    Jay Stanley – Senior Policy Analyst: Speech, Privacy & Technology Program, American Civil Liberties Union
    21 Deploying Safe AI Tools On Digital Platforms: Lessons From Wikimedia’s Community-Driven Design Process (youtube / otter)
    Aishwarya Vardhana, Senior Product Designer, Wikimedia Foundation
    22 Fireside Chat with Keith Sonderling (youtube / otter)
    Chandler Morse – Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Workday
    The Honorable Keith Sonderling – Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    23 Balancing Progress and Privacy: The Regulatory Challenges of Neurotechnologies (youtube / otter)
    Jameson Spivack – Senior Policy Analyst, Immersive Technologies, Future of Privacy Forum
    24 Looking Out to the Horizon of Spacial Computing (youtube / otter)
    Joseph Jerome – Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Tampa
    25 Keynote with FCC Commissioner Anna M. Gomez (youtube / otter)
    The Honorable Anna M. Gomez – Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
    26 Internet Geopolitics: Multistakeholderism Defined The First Era? What Will Define The Next Era? (youtube / otter)
    Colin Crowell – Senior Advisor & Managing Director, The Blue Owl Group
    27 AI and the Arts: Redefining Creativity in the Digital Age (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Tod Cohen – Steptoe
    Eileen Isagon – Curator & Creative Director
    Ashkhen Kazaryan – Senior Fellow, Free Speech & Peace, Stand Together
    Stan Adams – Lead Public Policy Specialist, Wikimedia Foundation
    Hodan Omaar – Senior Policy Analyst, Information Technology & Innovation Fund
    Ben Sheffner – Senior Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Law & Policy, Motion Picture Association, Inc.
    28 Online Expression And Policymakers: Finding The Balance (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Shane Tews – President, Logan Circle Strategies
    Dr. David Morar – Senior Policy Analyst, Open Technology Institute
    Eric Goldman – Santa Clara University School of Law
    Steve DelBianco – President & CEO, NetChoice
    Susan Benesch – Director, Dangerous Speech Project
    29 The FCC’s Re-Constitution: A New Beginning (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Kelcee Griffis – Reporter, Morning Brew
    Christopher Lewis – President/CEO, Public Knowledge
    Matthew Brill – Partner, Global Chair of Communications Practice, Latham & Watkins
    Angie Kronenberg – President, INCOMPAS
    Diane Holland – Partner, Wiley Rein LLP
    30 Hacking AI — It’s Not Just For Security Anymore! (youtube / otter)
    Harley Geiger – Counsel – Cybersecurity Services, Venable LLP
    31 U.S. Trade Policy Changes: The Biggest Threat to the Internet Flying under the Radar (youtube / otter)
    Natalie Campbell – Senior Director, North American Government and Regulatory Affairs, Internet Society
    John Morris – U.S. Internet Policy & Advocacy, Internet Society
    32 The FTC, AI, and Its Existing Authority: How the Commission Has and Will Apply Its Authority to Artificial Intelligence (youtube / otter)
    Andy Jung – Associate Counsel, TechFreedom
    33 Deploying AI For Cybersecurity: Benefits Beyond The Risks (youtube / otter)
    Brandon Pugh – Director, Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats, R Street Institute
    34 Fireside Chat with Clare Martorana & Mina Hsiang (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Nancy Scola – Journalist
    The Honorable Clare Martorana – U.S. Federal Chief Information Officer, The White House/Office of Management and Budget
    Mina Hsiang – Executive Office of the President, Administrator of the United States Digital Service
    35 Legislating AI: Perspectives From The Hill (youtube / otter)
    Moderator: Maria Curi – Tech Policy Reporter, Axios
    John Beezer – Senior Advisor, United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
    Rob Hicks – Legislative Director, Congressman Jay Obernolte (CA-8), United States House of Representatives
    36 Fireside Chat with Under Secretary Robert Silvers (youtube / otter)
    Shane Tews – President, Logan Circle Strategies
    The Honorable Robert Silvers – Under Secretary for Policy, Department of Homeland Security


    AGENDA https://sotn24.sched.com/

    TWITTER #SOTN2024  @netedfound @InternetSociety #TechPolicy


  • isoc-ny 4:11 am on January 26, 2015 Permalink | Reply
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    WEBCAST TUESDAY – State of the Net 2015 @SOTN @InternetSociety @NetCaucusAC #SOTN15 

    State of the Net On Tuesday January 27 2015 the  Internet Education Foundation (IEF) will host the 2015 State of the Net Conference at the Newseum in Washington DC. Among the many listed speakers are US CTO Megan Smith, FTC Chair Edith Ramirez, Assistant AG Leslie Caldwell, WH Director of Cybersecurity Ari Schwartz, Congressman Bob Goodlatte, the NTIA’s Larry Strickling, ICANN’s Theresa Swinehart, the NCUC’s Milton Mueller, ISOC’s Sally Wentworth, CDT’s Nuala O’Connor, the FCC’s Gigi Sohn, and her former PK colleague Harold Feld. As the 114th Congress kicks off, attendees include some 300 congressional staff and other policymakers. The Internet Society is sponsoring and providing the live webcast, which is priced at $99.

    What: 2015 State of the Net Conference
    Where: Newseum, Washington DC
    When: Tuesday January 27 2015 pam-5pm EST | 14:00-22:00 UTC
    Agenda: http://www.stateofthenet.org/sotn15-agenda/
    Speakers: http://stateofthenet2015.sched.org/directory/speakers
    Webcast: http://stateofthenet.cleeng.com/ ($99)
    Twitter: #sotn15

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