VIDEO: Digital Trust and the Future of the Global Marketplace @isocdc @WonderBreadDC 

digital trustOn  March 31 2015 the Greater Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-DC) presented Digital Trust and the Future of the Global Marketplace in Washington DC. TOPIC: How to establish trust across far flung geographies and cultures. How can security experts, businesses, governments, and policy makers meet the complex tasks necessary to maintain the trust needed to ensure the future of global innovation – the lifeblood of economic growth? PANEL: Jake Colvin – Executive Director of the Global Innovation Forum and Vice President at the National Foreign Trade Council; Adam C. Schlosser – Director Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Danielle Kehl – Policy Analyst, Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation; Eric Burger – Director (General Manager) of the Georgetown Center for Secure Communications (GCSC) and the Security and Software Engineering Research Center (S2ERC at Georgetown). MODERATOR: Michael Nelson – Public Policy at Cloudflare, Inc. The event was webcast live on the Internet Society Livestream Channel. Video is below.

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