WEBCAST OCT 5-6 – NASA International Space Apps Challenge (Space Apps) Hackathon – Brooklyn

isoc liveOn Saturday-Sunday October 5-6 2024 the Kingsborough Community College will be the Brooklyn NYC location of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) International Space Apps Challenge (Space Apps). Space Apps is an international hackathon where multiple teams in locations around the world engage NASA’s free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space.

This year’s theme is “The Sun Touches Everything,” and NASA Space Apps invites participants to consider the far-reaching influence of the Sun on Earth and space science.

CHALLENGES https://www.spaceappschallenge.org/nasa-space-apps-2024/challenges/

SCHEDULE https://bit.ly/3XPgwqX

Senior Science Advisor: Steven J Jaret – Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Science, Kingsborough Community College / CUNY Graduate Center
Amara (Mondesir) Kennedy – Senior Data Analyst, City of New York
Tommy Mintz – Associate Professor of Photography, Kingsborough Community College
Tom Eaton – Associate Professor of Animation , Graphic Design and Illustration program, Kingsborough Community College
Jaiden Price – Digital Strategy Analyst, Adobe
Sebastian Alvarado – Games consultant / Assistant Professor of Biology, Queens College

The event will be webcast live by the Internet Society New York Chapter.

LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/spaceappsbrooklyn2024

TWITTER #SpaceAppsBrooklyn #SpaceApps @NASA @SpaceApps @CUNYkcc

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