WEBCAST SEP 6 – IPNSIG Academy: Expanding the Scope of IPN through Expanding the Scope of Delay Tolerant Networking Applications

isoc liveOn Wednesday September 6, 2023 at 5pm-6pm EDT (21:00-22:00 UTC) the Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) presents the 14th IPNSIG Academy presentation – ‘Expanding the Scope of IPN through Expanding the Scope of Delay Tolerant Networking Applications‘.

This talk will discuss the role of the underlying IPN protocols (Delay Tolerant Networking, or DTN) and how this protocol has attractive features to a much wider range of applications. Advocating for the broader adoption of DTN would have the effect of bringing additional implementations, adoption, interoperability, and innovation to DTN, and thus to IPN. Making IPN one of the “edged” in broader DTN networks of networks can bridge the gap between planetary and interplanetary networks.

Presenter Dr. Marshall is a veteran of DARPA, where he created and ran the Disruption Tolerant Networking program. Following DARPA (at USC), he was Principal Investigator for the DARPA Content Addressable Network program, also based on the underlying DTN bundle. His book “Three Tier Shared Spectrum, Shared Infrastructure, and a Path to 5G” was recently  published by Cambridge University Press, as well as two prior technical books on Cognitive Radio. He is Chair of the Board of the CBRS Alliance and also chairs the Wireless Innovation Forum Spectrum Sharing Subcommittee.

Dr. Preston F. Marshall, Engineering Director / Principle Wireless Architect, Google

Keith Scott, Chief Architect, Advanced Networking for Assured Communications

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/ipnsigacademy14

PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3Pna2er

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/3OZGrGs)

TWITTER #IPNSIGacademy #DTN @IPNSIG Preston F. Marshall @Google Keith Scott #space https://bit.ly/3wkSJBq


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