WEBCAST OCT 6 – A11ySIG Webinar – Introduction to screenreader.app

ISOC LIVEOn Thursday October 6 2022 at 11:00 UTC the ISOC-NY Accessibility SIG (A11ySIG) will host a webinar ‘Introduction to screenreader.app‘. The free ScreenReader app, developed by Abra, can be used to learn how to use VoiceOver and TalkBack. Initiated during a COVID lockdown to help visually impaired people to digitally learn how to use a screen reader, now it is also used to create awareness and help other target groups, such as professional developers and testers, how to use a screen reader.

Paul van Workum, co-founder, Abra B.V.

Judith Hellerstein, Secretary, A11ySIG

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11ysig-screenreader (open captions)

PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3CfLuh6 (closed captions)

REAL TIME TEXT https://www.streamtext.net/text.aspx?event=CFI-A11YSIG

TWITTER #screenreaders screenreader.app @allysig #talkback @googleaccess #voiceover @AppleSupport #a11y #accessibility @isoc-ny #captioned

SIMULCASTS (open captions)
https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ (+ AI Captions)
