WEBCAST SEP 29: Finnish Internet Forum 2022

ISOC LIVEOn Thursday September 29 2022 at 10:00-16:30pm EEST (07:00 – 13:30 UTC) the Finnish Internet Forum will convene at the University of Helsinki to discuss three topical issues: future of the freedom of expression on the Internet in cross pressures from governments and tech giants; new and future regulation by European Union; and the role of national and regional internet for a in the preparations for the Global Digital Compact. The two first topics are discussed in Finnish, the last one in English.

The Finnish Internet Forum is an annual multistakeholder event, set up in 2010 to discuss internet-related issues from a Finnish perspective.


Suna Kymäläinen, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Communications, Finnish Parliament
Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Member of European Parliament

10.40/07.40 PANEL (FI)
Are the giants of platform economy the best thing that happened to freedom of expression since Gutenberg, or are they a threat worse than imagined by Orwell? Do the attempts by governments to control discussion on the Internet threaten the freedom of expression, or do they save it from all evil?
Yrsa Gruene-Luoma, Chair, Reporters Without Borders, Finland Chapter
Heidi Jern, Director, Public Affairs, Google Finland
Stefan Lindström, Ambassador (Digitalization/Technology Affairs)
Dr. Matti Nelimarkka, Lecturer, Centre for Social Data Science, University of Helsinki
Tapani Tarvainen, Electronic Frontier of Finland.

13.00/10.00 PANEL (FI)
Internet is in the focus of renewed regulatory efforts of the European Union, but what is the meaning of it all for Finland?
Meeri Toivanen, LLM, Specialist in Fair Data Economy at the Finnish Innovation Fund (SITRA)
Marième Korhonen, Senior Safety and. Security Specialist, Ministry of Transport and Communications
Iiro Ihanamäki, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Kreetta Simola, Senior Ministerial Adviser Ministry of Transport and Communications

15.00/12.00 DISCUSSION – Towards Global Digital Compact (EN)
Internet Governance fora at all levels – global, regional, national – have a key role in the preparations for the Global Digital Compact (GDC), proposed by the U.N. Secretary General to be adopted at the Summit on the Future of the U.N. General Assembly 2023.
Sandra Hoferichter, Secretary-General, EuroDIG
Anja Gengo, National and regional initiatives. IGF Secretariat
Lisa Fuhr, Director General, ETNO
Juuso Moisander, Counselor, Permanent Mission of Finland in Geneva
Yrjö Länsipuro, ISOC Finland

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/fiforum2022-2

REAL TIME TEXT  https://bit.ly/3RmY95W (EN session only)

TWITTER #fiforum @isocfinland @internetSociety

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