WEBCAST FEB 28 – MAR 1 – 2024 North American School on Internet Governance (NASIG 2024)

isoc.liveOn February 28-March 1 2024 the North American School on Internet Governance (NASIG 2024) convenes in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with the theme ‘Confronting Truth, Trust, and Hope in Internet Governance

PROGRAM (all times AST = UTC-4)

FEBRUARY 28, 2024
Day 1 – Focus: Truth

08:45 Welcome Messages
Eduardo Díaz, Chair, NASIG 2024
Gladys Nieves, President, EDP University
Jonathan Zuck – Master of Ceremony (MC), NASIG 2024
9:00 The State of the Internet: The Power of Truth, the Importance of Trust, and Our Hope for the Future
Moderator: Kathleen Scoggin, Program Coordinator at the Tech, Law, and Security Program at American University
Tripti Sinha, Chair of the Board, ICANN
10:15 Understanding Internet Governance
Moderator: Derrick L. Cogburn, Professor; Executive Director, AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy and Faculty Director, AU Internet Governance Lab, AU School of International Service and Kogod School of Business
William J. Drake, Director of International Studies at Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School, New York City
Milton Mueller, Professor, GT School of Public Policy, GT School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Georgia Tech
11:30 Multistakeholder Model
Marita Moll, Telecommunity Canada
Andrew Sullivan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Internet Society
Javier Rúa-Jovet, Member, ccNSO’s Internet Governance Liason Committee (IGLC), ICANN
13:30 Case study presentations: Examples of successful initiatives in promoting truth and transparency online
Moderator: Kathleen Scoggin, Program Coordinator, Tech, Law, and Security Program at American University
William J. Drake, Director of International Studies, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School, New York City
Graeme Bunton, Executive Director, DNS Abuse Institute
15:45 Exploring Collaboration Opportunities to Foster Cross-sector Initiatives
Moderator: Eduardo Díaz, Board Director, Internet Society of Puerto Rico
Jenny Mar Cañón, Deputy Secretary for Federal Programs and Director of the Workforce Development Program, Puerto Rico’s Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DEDC)
Wanda Pérez, President, Alianza Puertorriqueña deTelecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico
Alberto Lugo, President, Puerto Rico Information Technology Cluster (PRIT Cluster)
17:00 Day’s Wrap-Up
Eduardo Díaz, NASIG 2024 Chair

Day 2 – Focus: Trust

08:45 Welcome Message
Eduardo Díaz, Chair, NASIG 2024
Jonathan Zuck – MC, NASIG 2024
09:00 Trust as the Bedrock of Internet Interaction
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee, ICANN
Derrick L. Cogburn, Professor; Executive Director, AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy and Faculty Director, AU Internet Governance Lab, AU School of International Service and Kogod School of Business
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor Emeritus, University of Aarhus in Denmark
10:15 Panel discussion: Data Privacy and User Trust
Moderator: Judith Hellerstein, Founder and CEO, Hellerstein & Associates
Avri Doria, Independent Researcher
Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Chair, Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC), ICANN
Víctor Rodríguez Reyes, Senior Member, Intellectual Property and Health Law & Insurance practice, Ferraiuoli, LLC
11:30 Best Practices for Cybersecurity
Moderator: Eduardo Meléndez, Board Director, Internet Society Puerto Rico, NCAE-C Scholar, CAE Community
Urayoan Camacho, President, of Puerto Rico Infragard San Juan Chapter
N’gai Oliveras, Cybersecurity Advisor, Security Cybersecurity Advisor (CSA), U.S. Virgin Island Office of Health Information Technology
Carlos Peña, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Claro Puerto Rico
13:30 Can we survive digital fragmentation?
Moderator: William J. Drake, Director of International Studies, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School, New York City
Mark Datysgeld, Member, ICANN GNSO Council, ICANN
Milton Mueller, Professor, GT School of Public Policy, GT School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Georgia Tech
Pari Esfandiari, Co-founder and President, Global TechnoPolitics Forum
14:30 Is DNS Abuse a concern for a trustworthy Internet?
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee, ICANN
Graeme Bunton, Executive Director, DNS Abuse Institute
Lucien Taylor, Founder, DNS Research Federation
15:45 Encrypting the Internet: Building User Trust
Moderator: Laura Draper, Associate Program Director, Tech, Law & Security Program, AU Washington College of Law, American University
Juan Solá Sloan, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Puerto Rico in Bayamón
Eduardo Meléndez, Board of Director, Internet Society Puerto Rico, NCAE-C Scholar, CAE Community
Ryan Polk, Director of Internet Policy, Internet Society
16:45 Day 2 Wrap-Up
Speaker: Eduardo Díaz, Chair, NASIG 2024

Day 3 – Focus: Hope

08:45 Welcome Message
Eduardo Díaz, Chair, NASIG 2024
Jonathan Zuck, MC, NASIG 2024
09:00 Governing the Global Digital Economy
Moderator: Judith Hellerstein, Founder and CEO, Hellerstein & Associates
William J. Drake, Director of International Studies, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School, New York City
Derrick L. Cogburn, Professor; Executive Director, AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy and Faculty Director, AU Internet Governance Lab, AU School of International Service and Kogod School of Business
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor Emeritus, University of Aarhus in Denmark, Commissioner to the Global Commission on Stability in Cyberspace (GCSC), and former ICANN Board member
10:15 Digital Literacy and Inclusive Internet Access
Moderator: Derrick L. Cogburn, Professor; Executive Director, AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy and Faculty Director, AU Internet Governance Lab, AU School of International Service and Kogod School of Business
José “Manolo” Alvarez, Professor of courses in assistive technology and special education, University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Foundation Founder, Manolo.net
11:15 United Nations and the Global Digital Compact
Moderator: Judith Hellerstein, Founder and CEO, Hellerstein & Associates
William J. Drake, Director of International Studies, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School, New York City
Milton Mueller, Professor, GT School of Public Policy, GT School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Georgia Tech
Elizabeth Oluoch, Government and IGO Engagement Director (UN/ITU), ICANN
13:30 Case study presentations: Stories of Hope and Change Driven by the Internet and Internet Governance
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee, ICANN
Andrew Sullivan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Internet Society
Steve Crocker, President and CEO, Edgemoor Research Institute
Emily Taylor, Founder, DNS Research Federation
14:45 Event Wrap-Up
Eduardo Diaz, Chair, NASIG 2024

Day 1

Day 2

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