WEBCAST FEB 29 – A Report Card for Korean Digital Leadership

isoc liveOn Thursday February 20, 2024, at 5pm-6pm EST (22:00-23:00 UTC) the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosts a roundtable ‘A Report Card for Korean Digital Leadership‘ to launch a new study on how South Korean companies and government organizations are using policy, technical and business standards, procurement, and education to accelerate digital transformation in South Korea and around the globe.

Dasom Lee – assistant professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Naomi Wilson – vice president, Asia and Global Trade Policy, Information Technology Industry Council
Mallory Knodel – chief technology officer, Center for Democracy & Technology
Evan A. Feigenbaum – vice president for studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Michael R. Nelson – senior fellow, Technology and International Affairs Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

LIVESTREAM https://youtu.be/EvNJt2eu2U0

TWITTER #Korea @CarnegieEndow #KoreaTech @MikeNelson @EvanFeigenbaum @KoreaFoundation Naomi Wilson @ITI_TechTweets Mallory Knodel @CenDemTech