WEBCAST 2-3 SEP – Pacific Islands Internet Governance Forum (PacIGF2024)

ISOC LIVEOn Monday – Tuesday 2-3 September 2024 the Pacific Islands Internet Governance Forum (PacIGF2024) will be convened with the theme: “Strengthening Digital Governance and Resilience in the Pacific Islands“. PacIGF 2024 is co-locating with APNIC58 conference at Takina Convention Centre, Wellington NZ , and is organized by the Pacific Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC) in partnership with various key stakeholders. It focuses on local issues and Internet Governance developments in the Pacific slands region ,and seeks to provide impartial advice to governments and the public on Internet-related matters that are relevant to Pacific Island people. The Pacific Internet Governance forum will ensure a human-centric design thinking process to create new and innovative ideas to deal with the challenges faced by our members in the Pacific.

PROGRAM https://pacificigf.org/pacific-igf-2024-program

01 Opening Ceremony
Maori Performance
Opening Prayer – Savenaca Waqa
Welcome remarks – Sarai Tevita – Pacific IGF/PICISOC
KeynoteHonorable Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban – Victoria University of Wellington

02 Session 1 – Opening Plenary
Andrew Molivurae/Sarai Tevita – Pacific IGF/PICISOC
Hinemaua Rikirangi – Tumu Kaupapa Māori – InternetNZ
Rosemary Sinclair, CEO .aUDA
Jia Rong Low, Director General, APNIC
Tatevik Grigoryan -Associate Programme Specialist, Digital Policies and Digital Transformation, UNESCO
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Director of Office and Representative to the Pacific States, UNESCO

03 Session 2: Round table discussion by Pacific IGF Pioneers
Keith Davidson
Don Hollander
Ian Thompson
Dr. Rieko Hayakwawa
Dr Ellen Strickland
Moderator : Andrew Molivurae

04 Session 3: Digital Transformation trends in the Pacific Islands
Digital Inclusion and Capacity Building – Mele Tavake
Data Governance Assessment report – Nancy Kanasa
IGF China – Dr (Andrew) GUO Feng
Moderator – Sarai F Tevita

05 Session 4: Artificial Intelligence
European Artificial Intelligence Regulation – Karolina Iwanska, European Center for Not-For-Profit Law Stichting
Ethical Use of AI in Pacific Island UniversitiesAshutosh Maharaj, Dr Bibhya Sharma, Salanieta Tuiloma, Jasbinda Singh.
Moderator – Savenaca Waqa

06 Session 5: Internet Resource Services in the Pacific Islands
CCTLD Roadmap – Russell Deka, Director ICT, UPNG
Pacific ccTLD Registry concept – Bruce Tonken, aUDA
UA, IDNs and EAI – Champika Wijayatunga, ICANN
Moderator : Andrew Molivurae

07 Day 2 Welcome
Savenaca Waga

08 Session 6a : Technology in Enhancing Access to Information – A Panel discussion
Dr Bibhya Sharma (USP)
Alfred Maake Soakai (TWICT)
Elisapeta Mauai (SITA)
Moderator – Swaran Ravindra

09 Session 6b: Internet Resilience
Building Internet Resilient through Community Cybersecurity Awareness Programs – Suetena Faatuuala Loia (Samoa)
Effective Business Continuity Planning and the Role of ICT in DRP – Ashutosh A Maharaj
Moderator – Swaran Ravindra

10 Session 7 Group discussions intro
Sarai F Tevita – PICISOC

11 Discussion Report backs
Digital Infrastructure development
Cybersecurity and data protection
Digital inclusion and capacity building,
Climate resilience and disaster management,
Policy and regulatory frameworks,
AI, innovation and entrepreneurship

12 UNESCO Session
Empowering Islands: Strengthening Internet Governance in the Pacific – UNESCO
Tatevik Grigoryan -Associate Programme Specialist, Digital Policies and Digital Transformation, UNESCO
Simon Ellis – Independent Advisor

13 UNESCO Open Mic
Doreen Leona – SMART Sistas
Swaran Ravindra – Fiji National University
Tatevik Grigoryan – UNESCO
Simon Ellis

14 Closing Remarks
Savenaca Waga

ARCHIVE https://archive.org/details/pacigf2024 (video / audio / txt / slides)

ORIGINAL LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/pacigf2024

DAY 1 AM – https://bit.ly/3AFKbth
DAY 1 PM https://bit.ly/3XrYI4Y
DAY 2 AM https://bit.ly/4cNhbgB
DAY 2 PM https://bit.ly/3z654xs

TWITTER #pacigf #apnic58 @picisoc @apnic