WEBCAST 21-23 AUG – 20th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF) and 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum (CYIGF)

ISOC LIVEOn Wednesday-Friday August 21-23 2024 the Government of Guyana and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) will host the 20th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF) and 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum (CYIGF) at the Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown, Guyana.

Guyana is in fact where the CIGF was launched in 2005. In addition to reviewing achievements over the years, the Forum will address various facets of Internet Governance of current import to the Caribbean including UN initiatives to adopt a Global Digital Compact in September 2024 and undertake a 20-year review of WSIS-initiated activities in 2025 (WSIS+20 Review); enhancing the reach, resiliency and sustainability of critical digital infrastructure in the Caribbean; fostering adoption and growth of our digital economies in a trusted and secure manner; and harnessing the benefits of emergent technologies (e.g. AI) while minimising attendant risks.

AGENDA https://bit.ly/3XctqPg (ALL TIMES AST = UTC-4)

DAY 1: Wednesday 21st August 2024

09:05 Opening Remarks
Rodney Taylor – Secretary-General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)

09:10 Greetings from Partner Organizations
Albert Daniels – Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement – Caribbean, ICANN.
Sebastian Bellagamba – VP, External Engagement, ISOC.
Paula Oteguy – Multistakeholder Engagement Coordinator, LACNIC.
Bevil Wooding – Director of Caribbean Affairs, ARIN & CAJS.
Chengetai Masango – Head of Office, UN IGF Secretariat

09:30 Feature Address
Andre Griffith – Telecommunications Agency, Guyana

09:45 Vote of Thanks
Nigel Cassimire – Deputy Secretary-General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)

10:30 Introduction to Internet Governance & Reflections @ CIGF 20
Nigel Cassimire – Deputy Secretary-General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)

11:15 National, Regional and Global IG Contexts Reports from National, Regional & Global IGFs
Tracy Hackshaw – TT MAG
Stéphanie Joseph – President ISOC Haiti – Haiti IGF
Lilian Chamorro Rojas – Coordinator, ​​LACIGF
Nia Nanan – SIDS IGF
Anja Gengo – UN IGF Secretariat
Carol Roach – UN IGF MAG Chair

12:15 General Discussion and Q&A

DAY 1 Afternoon – 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum

13:30 3rd CYIGF Opening Remarks
Rodney Taylor – Secretary-General, CTU
Tariq Mohammed – CYIGF Chair

13:40 Empowering Youth and Addressing Challenges in Global Internet Governance: Navigating the Future of Digital Policy
Maarten Botterman – Chair, GFCE Working Group on Emerging Technologies

13:55 Panel Discussion: Empowering Caribbean Youth: Driving the Global Compact and SIDS Agendas into Action
Shergaun Roserie – Director, Orbtronics Ltd.
Filippo Pierozzi – Associate Expert, United Nations, Office of the Envoy on Technology
Nancy Quirós – Internet Society (ISOC)
Jael Goddard – External Relations Associate
Moderator: Celeste Pereira, ITU Youth Envoy

14:20 Panel Discussion: Securing our Digital Future: Tackling Cyber Threats and Protecting Privacy in the Caribbean
Kevon Swift – Head of Public Safety Affairs, LACNIC
Michael Thomas – Guyana Computer Incident Response Team, National Data Management Authority (NDMA)
Candy Saunders-Alfred – Cyber Analyst, CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)
Celia Barclay – Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner, Jamaica
Shernon Osepa, CTU
Moderators: Renasha Cassar & Tyler Seudath, CYIGF

15:00 Panel Discussion: Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensuring Inclusive Access for Caribbean Youth, Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable Populations
Kirk Sookram – Deputy CEO, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
Keeghan Patrick – Youth Envoy, ITU Generation Connect
Beverly Pile – Head of the National Commission on Disability, Guyana
Shane Cornelius – Member, Guyanese Presidential Youth Advisory Council
Royston Emmanuel– Senior Technical Specialist – Education in the Education Management Unit, OECS
Moderators: Naomi Padmore & Shanelle McPherson, CYIGF

15:45 Panel Discussion: Turning Clicks into Cash: Overcoming Challenges and Advancing Monetization for Caribbean Content Creators
Michael Beckerman – Head of Public Policy, TikTok
Jennifer Persad – Boodoo
DJ Ana
Keron Rose
Kyle Maloney – Co-Founder,/ Director, Tech Beach Retreat
Moderator: Shanelle McPherson, CYIGF

16:40 AI in Action: Boosting Business Efficiency and Cutting Costs in the Caribbean Private Sector
Leslie Lee Fook – Director of AI, Automation and Analytics, Incus Services Limited

16:55 3rd CYIGF Closing Remarks
Gabrielle Johnson, CTU Youth ICT Network
Tariq Mohammed, CYIGF Chair

DAY 2 – Global Forum for Cyber Expertise – Internet, Infrastructure Initiative (GFCE Triple-I) Workshop

09:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks
Rodney Taylor – Secretary-General, CTU
Maarten Botterman – GFCE Triple-I

09:15 I – Better Use of Today’s Open Internet Standards
Section 1: DNS Security (DNSSEC, TLS and DANE) – Nicolas Antoniello, ICANN
Section 2: Routing Security (PKI and ROA) – Bevil Wooding, ARIN / Kevon Swift, LACNIC
Section 3: Email Security – Hovsep Najarian, EasyDMARC
Section 4: IPv6 – Bevil Wooding, ARIN / Kevon Swift, LACNIC / Shernon Osepa, CTU

11:00 II Part 1 – Inspiration from Good Practice Actions:
Internet Resilience Index: Nancy Quirós & Dan York – Internet Society (ISOC)
MANRS: Andrei Robachevsky – Global Cyber Alliance
KINDNS: Nicolas Antoniello & Albert Daniels – ICANN

13:30 II Part 2 – Inspiration from Good Practice Actions:
“Cookbook” on DDOS attack mitigation: Thijs van den Hout – SIDN – The Netherlands
Capacity and resilience toolkits for small enterprises: Brian Cute – Global Cyber Alliance
Avoiding Disconnection – Understanding the resilience of subsea cable infrastructure: Nancy Quirós & Dan York – Internet Society (ISOC)
Prof. Nicole Starosielski – University of California at Berkeley
Promoting Caribbean Internet Resilience: The DNS Observatory Project: Shernon Osepa – CTU
Data for Good: Alex Pompe – Meta
ccTLD Good Practices for Secure and Resilient Operations: Kroopa Shah – Identity Digital & Prof. Patrick Hosein – nic.tt
CSAM Status and Policy Actions – UN’s Draft Convention on Cybercrime: Maria De Gutierrez Ortiz Monasterio – UNODC

16:15 III – Action Planning for increasing justified trust, together

16:55 Conclusions and Closing Remarks
Nigel Cassimire – CTU

DAY 3 – ARIN/LACNIC/ CTU Policy Forum & Guyana Focus

09:00 Opening Remarks
Rodney Taylor – Secretary General – CTU

09:05 Welcome Remarks
Bevil Wooding – ARIN
Kevon Swift – LACNIC

09:15 Feature Presentations and Q&A:
Caribbean AI Policy Roadmap 2024: Erica Simmons – UNESCO
AI Assessment in SIDS: Bhanu R. Neupane – UNESCO
The Rise of the Intelligent Application : Kevin Khelawan – Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions (CAJS)
Cybersecurity and Digital Resilience: Speaker – TBC
Digital Economy Initiatives: Next Round of gTLDs and the Applicant Support Programme: Albert Daniels – ICANN

11:15 Guyana Focus Session:
Status of Internet Infrastructure: Andre Griffith – Telecommunications Agency, Guyana
Measuring the Information Society: Viviana Umpierrez – ITU / Nia Nanan – CTU

13:30 Examining the UN’s Global Digital Compact

14:30 Forum Discussion: Looking forward for the CIGF

15:45 Open Microphone

16:15 Conclusions and Next Steps

LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/cigf2024

PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3MgGU6c

DAY 1 AM https://bit.ly/3yOtf3q
DAY 1 PM https://bit.ly/3YWoYp8
DAY 2 AM https://bit.ly/3AyRX8x

DAY 2 PM https://bit.ly/4dVO9MN
DAY 3 AM https://bit.ly/3ABYYVV
TWITTER #CIGF2024 #CYIGF2024 #20CIGF @TheCtunion @intGovForum #IGF #NetGov 

https://bit.ly/cigf2024live (CTU YouTube)
