WEBCAST JUL 9 – ISOC Mumbai webinar – Cybersecurity: Safeguarding your online presence

isoc liveOn Sunday 9th July 2023, from 11am- 12pm IST (05:30-06:30 UTC), the Internet Society India Mumbai Chapter (ISOC Mumbai) in collaboration with ISAC and CopConnect invites you to a webinar ‘Cybersecurity: Safeguarding your online presence.’  Mr. Sreeshankar G. will discuss how one can become a CyberAware netizen, and will touch upon topics such as different types of cybercrimes, how can one identify and safeguard themselves, and what are the remedial measures available in case of such crimes.

01 Introduction
Nandita Koshal, President, ISOC Mumbai
Sheeba Sivakumar, Program Coordinator, ISAC
02 Cybersecurity: Safeguarding your online presence
Sreeshankar Gurujalam, Global Head, Cybersecurity, Siemens Healthineers
03 Conclusion
Nandita Koshal, President, ISOC Mumbai

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/isoc-mumbai-cyber

PARTICIPATE VIA WEBEX: https://forms.gle/vj1ZUsJ6HuoxZPLQ9

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/43iVWP8

TWITTER #cybersecurity #isocmumbai @isacindia Sreeshankar Gurujalam @SiemensHealth Nandita Koshal @pervaiz0006 @isocapac

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