WEBCAST 8,12,13 APR – Pacific Hackathon

livestreamOn Tuesday-Wednesday 12-13 April 2022 the Internet Society Pacific Islands Chapter (PICISOC) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will host a Pacific Hackathon. The event will bring together technologists and interested persons from around the region to develop a solution for the Pacific Island Association of NGOs (PIANGO). The challenge is to develop a structured platform for civil society organizations (CSOs) to engage with governments and each other on a regional and national basis. There will be a mentors pre-hackathon session on Friday April 8 2022. The Pacific Hackathon has support from the University of the South Pacific and the European Union.

SCHEDULE (All times are FJT = UTC+12)
Fri 8 April 1pm-2:40pm – Mentoring Session
Tue 12 April 10am-11:30am Official Launch + Panel
12:30pm-3pm Q&A
3:20pm-5pm Hacking
Wed 13 April 9:30am-3:20pm Hacking
3:20pm-5pm Submissions

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/pacifichackathon

AGENDA https://bit.ly/3DSk3Jl

PARTICIPATE https://picisoc.devpost.com/

TWITTER #pacifichackathon #AmplifyPacificVoices @picisoc @Pacific_2030 @UNDP @UniSouthPacific @EUPasifika

https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ (AI Captions)
https://www.facebook.com/PICISOC (maybe)
