WEBCAST FEB 1 – A11yNYC – Google Project Relate: A Communication Tool

livestreamOn Tuesday February 1 2022 at 7pm-8pm EST (00:00-01:00 UTC Jan12) the Accessibility NYC Meetup (A11yNYC) hosts an online meetup ‘Google Project Relate: A Communication Tool‘. Pan-Pan Jiang of Google will introduce a new Android app called Project Relate, which aims to help people with speech impairments communicate more easily with others and interact with Google Assistant. Users record a set of phrases from which the app, via a library of more than one million samples, learns how to better understand the speaker’s unique speech patterns, and give them access to the app’s three main features: Listen, Repeat, and Assistant. Impaired English speakers in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States are invited to trial the app.

The meetup will be webcast live via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Chapter Accessibility SIG

LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/projectrelate (Open Captions)

PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM: https://www.meetup.com/A11yNYC/events/282679305/ (CC)

REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=a11ynyc

TWITTER: #projectrelate @google @A11ysig @a11ynyc #Accessibility #a11y #Captioned

https://youtu.be/OHCzMTQOaYU (Comments monitored)
https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/ (Open Captions)
https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive (Open Captions)
https://www.facebook.com/isocny (Open Captions)
https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc (Open Captions)
