WEBCAST TODAY: Internet in The Time of Crisis @isocdc @ILPFoundry #internetpolicyforum @morar @muira_mccammon @SuchiPahi
On Friday August 14 2020 at 5pm EDT (21:00 UTC) the Internet Law & Policy Foundry (ILPF) in partnership with the Internet Society Washington DC Chapter (ISOC DC) host the first in a series of roundtables – ‘Internet in The Time of Crisis‘. In these unprecedented times, with inequities around health, race, privacy and class all coming to the fore, the Internet now plays more of a role in our lives than ever, so how are these fundamental societal issues reflected through this omnipresent and critical technology? This roundtable will focus on issues around social media, health tech, digital surveillance and overall psychology and well-being on the Internet.
David Morar, Elliott School of International Affairs
Muira McCammon, Annenberg School for Communication
Suchi Pahi, Director of Privacy and Business Affairs, Rally Health
Yasodara Cordova, Civic Engagement, World Bank Group
LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/ilpf1
PARTICIPATE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/internet-in-the-time-of-crisis-tickets-111553318980
TWITTER #internetpolicyforum @isocdc @ILPFoundry
@morar @muira_mccammon @SuchiPahi
https://youtu.be/iOpejbP4qek (ISOC DC)