VIDEO: Frontier Technologies 4 SDGs #FrontierSDG @UN @UN_CITO @UNICEFinnovate @FinlandUN,

FrontiersSDGOn March 5 2019  the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology, the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN, and UNICEF hosted a symposium Frontier Technologies 4 SDGs in the ECOSOC Chamber in NYC. The program included opening remarks, a keynote, and 3 panels. Video is below. Other languages can be found via the links. No captions.

Part 1

  • Opening Remarks
  • Panel:“Artificial Intelligence: Robots for Development.”

Draft Agenda:
View on UN Web TV:

Part 2

  • Panel “Blockchain – buzz word or saviour from development obstacles?
  • Panel “New technologies = opportunities – What about the risks and threats?

Draft Agenda:
View on UN Web TV:

Closing remarks

  • Mrs. Atefeh Riazi – Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information and Technology Officer.

View on UN Web TV:


TWITTER: #FrontierSDG | #FrontierTechnologies4SDGs

2018 UN/DESA SURVEY: Frontier technologies for sustainable development (pdf)