WEBCAST TODAY: @ISOCBotswana launch @ISOCAfrica @InternetSociety
Today, Friday September 21 2018, sees the official launch of the Internet Society Botswana Chapter (ISOC BW) in Gaborone. The event will be webcast live on the Internet Society Livestream Channel.
WHAT: ISOC Botswana Launch
WHERE: Gaborone, Botswana
WHEN: Friday September 21 2018 09:00-11:00 CAT | 07:00-09:00 UTC
WEBCAST: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/isocbotswanalaunch
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ISOCBotswana/
TWITTER: @ISOCBotswana https://bit.ly/ISOCBotswana