@YaleISP Data Journalism Conference – next Fri 3/9 (free) #bigdata
The production of news increasingly involves the processing, analysis, and presentation of data. Governments and other organizations have made more data publicly available, sometimes through extralegal means, while newsrooms have simultaneously been adding new tools and acquiring new expertise to manage this flow of information. This conference, hosted by the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, will bring together working journalists, computer scientists, and media researchers to examine new practices and challenges in the rapidly emerging field of data journalism. Panelists will explore the increasing use of data in journalism; the role that news organizations play in mediating, curating, and redacting data; and the interaction of new practices in data journalism with First Amendment and policy issues concerning freedom of information, open government, and privacy.
What: Data Journalism: New Tools and New Challenges for Accessing Information
When: March 9 from 9:30am – 3:30pm
Where: Room 122 at Yale Law School (poster)
Register (free): http://datajournalism030912.eventbrite.com