Audio files from the Open Hardware Summit #openhwsummit #openhardware
Audio files from the Open Hardware Summit at the New York Hall of Science – Sep 23 2010. (Video is coming)
- Peter Semmelhack, Bug Labs
- Ayah Bdeir, Creative Commons & littleBits
- Alicia Gibb, Bug Labs & NYCResistor
- Limor Fried, Adafruit [mp3] [ogg] [slides] [video]
- Gerald Coley, Texas Instruments & Beagle Board [mp3] [ogg] [slides] [video]
- Bruce Perens, founder: OSI [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- John Wilbanks, Creative Commons [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
INSTITUTION Sprint talks
- Amanda McDonald Crowley, EYEBEAM: ‘Open Art and Tech’ [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- Jim Barkley & Sam Sayer, MITRE: ‘ARx: Almost-Ready-to-Anything’ [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- Andy Lee, NASA: ‘NASA’s Open Lab’ [mp3] [ogg]
BUSINESS: Open hardware business models [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- Moderator: Eric von Hippel, MIT Sloan School of Management
- Chris Anderson, DIYdrones & Wired
- Peter Semmelhack, Bug Labs
- David Carrier, Parallax
- Phil Torrone, Adafruit & Make
- Massimo Banzi, Arduino
- Bunnie Huang, Chumby
PRODUCTIZING: Scaling/ Manufacturing/ Moving beyond DIY [mp3] [ogg]
- Moderator: Dale Dougherty, Make
- Eric Pan, Seeed Studio
- Matt Peddicord, Buglabs
- Clint Cooley, Circuit Co
- Nathan Seidle, Sparkfun
- Paulo Blikstein, Stanford University & GoGoBoard
- Taylor Hokanson, DIYLILCNC
LAW: Open hardware licenses and norms [mp3] [ogg]
- Moderator: David Mellis, Arduino & MIT Media Lab
- Windell Oskay, Evil Mad Scientist
- Wendy Seltzer, Harvard University: Berkman Center for Internet & Society
- Matt Stack, Liquidware
- Michael Weinberg, Public Knowledge
- Peter Brown, Free Software Foundation
- Xavier Carcelle, OHANDA
DESIGN sprint talks
- Dave Vondle, IDEO: ‘Re-examining Design for Open-Source Hardware’ [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- Georgina Voss, Tinker: ‘To Build a (Smart) Home’ [mp3] [ogg]
- Mike Kuniavsky, ThingM: ‘Three crappy Open Hardware situations we’ve had to deal with, and what we did.’ [mp3] [ogg]
EDUCATION sprint talks
- Leah Buechley, MIT Media Lab: ‘OSH in the Academy’ [mp3] [ogg]
- Dan Steingart, City College CUNY: ‘Ardustat:A Case Study in Open Source Hardware for Academics’ [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
- Michael Shiloh, Teach Me to Make: ‘Highly Learnable Open Hardware’ [mp3] [ogg] [slides]
* Ayah Bdeir, Creative Commons & littleBits: Introduction of definition 1.0 and signing [mp3] [ogg]
Chris Gammell 3:31 pm on September 30, 2010 Permalink |
Thank you so much for posting these! My recorder died half way through the summit so I really appreciate being able to get them after the fact.
Charlie Brown 12:24 pm on October 1, 2010 Permalink |
Thanks a lot Joly!
joly 5:24 pm on September 16, 2011 Permalink |
Please note that the archived webcast from the 2011 summit is here