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  • isoc-ny 1:29 pm on May 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: broadband, , ,   

    Advancing Community Broadband: Summer Discussion Series @ Columbia 

    Advancing Community Broadband: A Summer Discussion Series

    The purpose of the Advancing Community Broadband: A Summer Discussion Series is to generate a conversation now that a number of concerned parties in New York have gone through the experience of developing broadband stimulus proposals in the first round and in the case of DOITT and DOE have been successfully funded. The idea is that once a month, a group of stakeholders will come together to discuss their thinking around the broadband stimulus, the National Broadband Plan and where they think broadband in America is headed. The meetings will be organized as a half-day forum, hosted on the campus of Columbia University.

    Each half-day forum will revolve around a core theme with interrelated subthemes. The group will have in attendance speakers who will share their thoughts and ideas on the theme as a way to start a robust conversation under the broad thematic area. The discussion will be captured on video, audio and by digital still photograph as well as in written form by student rapporteurs.

    The next meeting will be held on the campus of Columbia University at the Rm 520, Mudd Building, Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.
    (More …)

  • isoc-ny 2:08 am on April 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , broadband, disabilities,   


    On April 23 the FCC released A Giant Leap & A Big Deal: Delivering on the Promise of Equal Access to Broadband for People with Disabilities – a study of the numerous barriers to broadband usage faced by people with disabilities.

    The study reports that:

    • Only 42 percent of people with disabilities have high-speed Internet.
    • 39 percent of all non-adopters have a disability.

    The paper builds upon the three broad recommendations from the National Broadband Plan
    *the creation of a Broadband Accessibility Working Group (“BAWG”) within the Executive Branch;
    *the establishment of an Accessibility and Innovation Forum at the FCC
    *the modernization of accessibility laws, rules, and related subsidy programs by the FCC, the Department of Justice, and Congress.

  • isoc-ny 3:51 am on April 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: broadband,   

    FCC kicks of National Broadband Plan with 6 proceedings including USF, and survivability 

    CommLawBlog notes that the FCC has launched an initial six proceedings in the National Broadband Plan program:

    Brief public notices  recap each: Universal Service Fund; Roaming Obligations; Survivability; Cyber Security Certification; and Set-top Boxes.

  • isoc-ny 10:43 pm on April 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: broadband, , ,   

    Video: National Broadband Plan Roundtable Discussion NYC 4/19 

    The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) and the Media Center at New York Law School present d The National Broadband Plan: A Roundtable Discussion on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 1 p.m.

    Speakers included:

    * Blair Levin, Executive Director of the National Broadband Plan at the FCC;
    * Simon Flannery, Managing Director at Morgan Stanley;
    * David Don, Senior Director, Public Policy at Comcast Corp.;
    * Dan Margolis, attorney with Garvey Schubert Barer;
    * Anna-Maria Kovacs, President of Regulatory Source Associates, LLC;
    * Larry Darby of the American Consumer Institute;
    * Harold Feld, Legal Director of Public Knowledge;
    * James Grimmelmann of the Institute for Information Law and Policy at the New York Law School;
    * Raul Katz, Professor at the Columbia Business School; and
    * Chris Libertelli, Senior Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs for Skype

    Video is below:

    (More …)

    • joly 4:06 am on April 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I get in the very last question, on structural separation, at 3:33:48 or so..

  • isoc-ny 2:18 pm on April 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Video: Lessig on National Broadband Policy 

    Lawrence Lessig, newly elected to the Internet Society’s Board of Trustees, gave the keynote talk at Storage Network World 2010 in Florida on Apr 12. Video is below.


  • isoc-ny 3:23 am on March 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , broadband, , ,   

    ISOC-NY member Elizabeth Stark puts the FCC Chairman on the spot!! 

    Chairman Genachowski answered Brooklyn-ite Elizabeth Stark’s question on cost by saying the FCC needs to eliminate all barriers to competition so more Interent providers can compete and drive down prices.

    via You and the FCC Chairman discuss the Future of the Internet

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