Global Encryption Day (GED) is an annual event organized by the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC), designed to raise awareness about the importance of encryption in protecting privacy and securing digital communications. It brings together various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, technology companies, and individuals, to advocate for strong encryption policies and practices.
The event will have two tracks in separate locations the will both be livestreamed. All times are PDT (UTC-7)
Track 1 – Training
Lead: Chris Hanson @ RX-M
9:00 Welcome 9:30 Cryptography in Software Development 10:45 “Keyless” Cryptography 1:00 Software Supply Chain Security 2:30 Security Frameworks 4:00 Close
2:30 Opening remarks 2:45 Approaching Security Across a Portfolio Daniel Riedel – Founder and Partner, GenLab Venture Studi 3:15 Introduction to Giga Aleksandra Chmielewska – Partnership specialist, Giga 4:15 CloudFlare Lava Lamps 4:30 Panel – State of Encryption 5:15 Cryptographic support – Do’s and Don’ts, An Engineering Take Deep Patel – Senior Technical Leader at Cisco 6:15 If It’s Not Easy, It’s Not Happening Andrew Clay Shafer – Principal, Ergonautic / co-founder , Puppet 7:00 Panel – Future of Encryption 7:30 PQCA and Quantum Encryption Hart Montgomery – CTO, Decentralized Identity Foundation /Director, Post Quantum Cryptography Alliance 8:30 Closing remarks
On Thursday October 17 2024, at 10:00 PDT (17:00 UTC) the Internet Archive hosts a virtual Library Leaders Forum, in which we’ll hear from Internet Archive staff about their emerging library services and updates on existing efforts, including from partners. How do libraries empower research in the 21st century?
SPEAKERS Brewster Kahle, founder & digital librarian, Internet Archive Chris Freeland, library services, Internet Archive Elizabeth Macleod, book digitization, Internet Archive Liz Rosenberg, donations, Internet Archive Jude Coelho, interlibrary loan, Internet Archive Jefferson Bailey, Archive-It, Internet Archive Mek, Open Library, Internet Archive Mark Graham, Wayback Machine, Internet Archive Luca Messarra, Vanishing Culture, Internet Archive Andrea Mills, Internet Archive Canada Jennie Rose Halperin, Library Futures Charlie Barlow, Boston Library Consortium Dave Hansen, Authors Alliance David Moore, BRIET
On Saturday 19 October 2024 the BSidesNYC Conference convened at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NYC. BSidesNYC is an Information / Security conference that is 100% volunteer organized.
The event’s Red track was livestreamed by the Internet Society New York Chapter. Most Blue, Other, and Entrepreneur track sessions were also recorded, with a few exceptions.
Launch (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Huxley Barbee – void *huxley Shweta Jain – Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science · John Jay College
Keynote: When Do We Get to Play On Easy Mode? (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Wendy Nather – Some Kind of Cyber Professional
Building Burp Extensions with Kotlin (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Nick Coblentz – Application Penetration Team Lead, Virtue Security
Breaking free from the chains of fate – Bypassing AWSCompromisedKeyQuarantineV2 Policy (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Bleon Proko (gl4ssesbo1) – Security Engineer Andrew Kraut (Opie) – Senior Researcher – Permiso P0 Labs
How I hacked a cloud production environment with external Terraform manipulation (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Uri Aronovici – Co-Founder & CTO, ZEST Security
Discover the Unseen: Azure Vulnerability Exploitation (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Scott Miller – Penetration Tester, Accenture
From HiatusRAT to Cuttlefish: advances in credential theft through the router (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Danny Adamitis – Principal Information Security Engineer, Black Lotus Labs, Lumen Technologies Ryan English – Information Security Engineer, Black Lotus Labs, Lumen Technologies
How We Impersonated Cloud Code by Google Cloud and Took Over GCP Accounts (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Moshiko – Research Lead, Upwind Security
XZ Backdoor: Navigating the Complexities of Supply Chain Attacks Detected by Accident (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) DevSecYoad – DevOps Lead | Co-Founder & CEO at Myrror Security
10 Things to Know Before You Work on Your Next M365 BEC (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Ida Musheyev-Polishchuk – Senior Consultant, Stroz Friedberg Natasha Vij – DFIR Consultant, Stroz Friedberg
Bridging the Gap: Developing Accessible Anti-Phishing Solutions (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Lydia Stepanek – Owner and Lead Engineer, Pen Loop Consulting
Building Canaries with ELK and ElastAlert2 (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Andrew Januszak – REN-ISAC Keith Erekson – Lehigh University
Trusted Types: DOM XSS Protection at Scale (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt) Jen Ozmen – Software Engineer, Web Security Team, Google Youssef Attia – Software Engineer, Web Security Team, Google
CloudTail: Making Heads or Tails of Selectively Retaining Multi-Cloud Logs (w/o a SIEM!) (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Ela Dogjani – Associate Threat Researcher, Permiso
When Apps Attack: Hunting Traitorware and Rogue Microsoft 365 Apps at Scale (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Matt Kiely – Principal Security Researcher, Huntress Labs Christina Parry – Staff ThreatOps Developer, Huntress Labs
Fortifying Active Directory: Combatting Misconfigurations(yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Jeff Tomkiewicz – Offensive Security Engineer, Humana
Quantum Computing and Its Impact on Cybersecurity (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Rashmi Jyoti – Application Security Engineer, AWS
Caught in the Net: Using Infostealer Logs to Unmask CSAM Consumers (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Mariya Gedrich – Threat Intelligence Analyst, Recorded Future
The Life of an SBOM: Where does it go and what do organizations do to it and with it? (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf)
Anita D’Amico – President, Cotopaxi Consulting
Ken Zalevsky – CEO, Vigilant Ops
Startup Survival Tips and Uncommon Sense for First-Time Tech Founders (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Eldon Sprickerhoff – Strategic Advisor, Caledon Ventures
How to Talk So That They Will Listen: Selling Cybersecurity (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) May Brooks – CEO & Founder, Helena
Panel: So You Want to Be a Founder? (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Jonathan DiVincenzo – CEO / Co-founder, Impart Security Lee Weiner – CEO, TrojAI Wesley Hales – Co-Founder / CEO, LeakSignal Justin Shattuck – CSO, Resilience
Moderator: Brian McHenry – Global Head of Cloud Security Engineering, Check Point
Building Cyber Products Customers Love (yt | mp4 | mp3 | srt | txt | pdf) Ross Haleliuk – Author of ‘Cyber for Builders: The Essential Guide to Building a Cybersecurity Startup
Governments assembled at the United Nations’ September 2024 Summit of the Future adopted a Pact for the Future that pledges “a new beginning in multilateralism” and to “transform global governance.” Annexed to the Pact is a Global Digital Compact intended to apply these general aspirations to global digital governance. The Pact and its digital annex have been described by the UN and some others as achieving desperately needed reforms that strengthens the UN’s ability to help manage both longstanding global challenges and new issues raised by the information revolution. In the digital sphere, this includes nods to the importance of multistakeholder input, the launch of new collaborations on artificial intelligence and other issues, and the creation of a New York office charged with leading UN system-wide coordination of digital cooperation.
The time is ripe to assess what was achieved by the Pact and its digital annex, how the agreement may be implemented, and what it could mean for the future. Does it point to a transformative new beginning for digital multilateralism? Can its institutional innovations overcome the geopolitical tensions and rivalries that have confounded so many previous digital governance efforts in the UN? How will the new arrangements mesh with the digital policy work underway in UN specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations? How might they impact key processes that have more multistakeholder support, like the upcoming reviews of the World Summit on the Information Society agreements and the Internet Governance Forum’s mandate? Will the UN New York begin to accommodate meaningful multistakeholder participation in its efforts?
This webinar will facilitate open dialogue on these and related questions. A panel of expert participants in global digital governance processes will lead off. The rest of the session will be devoted to a conversation among all interested attendees.
INTRODUCTION Eli Noam, Director, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School.
PANEL Fiona M. Alexander – Distinguished Policy Strategist in Residence,School of International Service / Distinguished Fellow, Internet Governance Lab, American University Anriette Esterhuysen – Senior Advisor for Internet Governance, Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Wolfgang Kleinwächter – Professor Emeritus of International Communication Policy and Regulation, University of Aarhus.
MODERATOR William J. Drake, Director of International Studies, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
Earlier this year, a Hong Kong Court banned the dissemination of “Glory to Hong Kong,” a popular protest “anthem,” which had become an important symbol of dissent in Hong Kong. Between 2019 and 2022, the song was regularly used by protesters in over 400 demonstrations, and versions of it were erroneously promoted as the national anthem of Hong Kong, leading to arrests and prosecution for illegal activities and sedition. The song was available through online music streaming platforms, receiving millions of views. In 2023, the Secretary for Justice sought an injunction to prevent the “broadcasting, performing, printing, publishing, selling, distributing, displaying, or reproducing the song with the intent to incite secession or seditious intention, as defined by NSL (National Security Law) and the Crimes Ordinance in Hong Kong.”
The case highlights the struggle within the Hong Kong judiciary to hold on to its independence in the face of immense pressure from the Chinese authorities. Last year, the Court of First Instance dismissed the application, finding that despite the fundamental importance of national security, the injunction was not necessary and balanced unfavorably against individual rights. However, in May 2024, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Court of Appeal justified the use of a civil injunction as necessary to assist the criminal law in safeguarding national security, deferring to the executive’s assessment of the risks posed by the song. The use of a civil injunction as a mechanism to apply the National Security Law made compliance by the online platforms to take down the content more justifiable.
This is just one example among many others brought against those protesting the crackdown on fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong by the Chinese authorities. In June 2024, two foreign Non-Permanent Judges in Hong Kong from the United Kingdom resigned over concerns that their role in the Hong Kong judicial system made them not only complicit in the prosecution of protesters and other human rights activists but also lent credibility to the crackdown. The erosion of the legal system continues in Hong Kong, with the first two criminal prosecutions for sedition under the new Safeguarding National Security Ordinance being handed down on September 19.
A panel of experts will delve into the court’s decision to block the protest song and the impact of the National Security Law.
SPEAKERS Michael Caster – Asia Digital Program Manager, ARTICLE 19 Chung Ching Kwong – Senior Analyst at Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China Eric Yan-ho Lai – Research Fellow, Georgetown Center for Asian Law (GCAL)
Moderator: Doreen Weisenhaus – Director, Media Law and Policy Initiative, Northwestern University
Miércoles 9 de octubre 2024 IGF Chile convocará a El Foro de Gobernanza de Internet 2024 en Santiago. El Foro de Gobernanza de Internet (IGF por sus siglas en inglés) es un espacio que promueve el diálogo sobre la gobernanza de Internet, en el que participan actores de la sociedad civil, de la academia, del sector privado, de la comunidad técnica y representantes gubernamentales.
10:00 Discurso bienvenida Marcelo Valenzuela – Director Proyecto Yafün de NIC Chile – Presidente Directiva IGF Chile
10:05 Internet como Servicio Público Daniel Halpern: Vicepresidente de COTFI Iván Žilić: CTO de PIT para Chile, México y EE.UU. Manuel Araya, Grte. Regulación y Asuntos Corporativos Entel.
Modera: Raul Dominguez Bastidas, Jefe de División de Políticas Regulatorias y Estudios Subtel
11:00 Cíberseguridad Jorge Atton: Exsubsecretario de Telecomunicaciones y asesor de Ciberseguridad Daniel Álvarez: Coordinador nacional de Ciberseguridad del Ministerio del Interior Cristian Rojas, Docente en Ciberseguridad PUC y UTFSM, consultor en seguridad de la información.
Modera: Ximena Rojas, VP Legal y de Asuntos Públicos de Khipu. Académica U. Diego Portales.
12:15 Inteligencia Artificial Lorena Donoso: Abogada, Experta en Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones – Académica de la U. Chile Carlos Reusser: Abogado, miembro del Consejo Jurídico de la Secretaría de Gobierno Digital. Presidente del Instituto Chileno de Derecho y Tecnologías Catherine Muñoz; Directora Legal en Idónea & Consultora Legislativa.
Modera: Ximena Rojas, VP Legal y de Asuntos Públicos de Khipu. Académica U. Diego Portales.
14:30 Gobernanza Digital Geraldine González: Experta en Telecomunicaciones en Konsistenz Javier García: Académico Facultad de Derecho de la U. Las Américas. Doctor en Derecho y Máster en Derechos Fundamentales con especialidad en libertades informativas. Luz María García, Gerente General de ACTI.
Modera: Patricia Peña, directora y presidenta de Internet Society – Capítulo Chile – Integrante Directiva IGF Chile
15:15 Innovación y desafíos del Comercio Digital Cristóbal Bocáz: Director del Programa de Exportación de Servicios, Ministerio de Hacienda. Piero Guasta: Asesor Departamento de Inversiones, Servicios y Economía Digital, SUBREI. Gabriela Navarro: Académica, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (Cátedra OMC Costa Rica). Fernando Rojas: Asistente Senior de Asuntos Económicos, CEPAL. Yerka Yukich: Directora Ejecutiva eCommerce – Cámara de Comercio de Santiago
Modera: Ignacio Sánchez, Académico Instituto de Estudios Internacionales – Universidad de Chile
Accessibility maturity models help organizations track progress across their accessibility programs. Automated tooling (sometimes called Continuous Accessibility) is a proven way to boost software quality at scale. What options exist to apply Continuous Accessibility concepts to make progress against today’s accessibility maturity models? Process gets a bad rap. When employed effectively, solid processes are what allow organizations to repeatedly achieve desired outcomes. Web accessibility is no different.
Welcome Remarks Matt Larson – Managing Director, Washington, DC Office / VP of Research,ICANN
01 Fireside Chat: Summit of the Future and Global Digital Compact – Perspectives in the context of WSIS+20 and the future of Internet Governance Veni Markovski – VP for UN engagement, ICANN Amb. Steve Lang – US Dept. of State
02 Panel Session 1: Future Proofing the IGF – Business Community Perspectives Jackie Ruff – Consulting Counsel, Wiley Chris Martin – Head of Policy Innovation, North America, Access Partnership Timea Suto – Global Digital Policy Lead, International Chamber of Commerce
Moderator: Jim Pendergast – President, The Galway Strategy Group
03 Panel Session 2: Multistakeholder Perspectives – WSIS and the IGF Renewal Karen Mulberry – Senior Manager, Public Affairs, IEEE Shane Tews – Nonresident Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute Fiona Alexander – Distinguished Policy Strategist in Residence / Distinguished Fellow, Internet Governance Lab, American University
Moderator: Allison Plytak, Senior Fellow and Director of the Cyber Program, Stimson Center
On Saturday October 5 2024 at 06:00 UTC, Phyo Thiri L. (Netmission.Asia), Sarai Faleupolu Tevita (PICISOC), Barkha Manral (ISOC Delhi Chapter) & Letitia Masaea (Women in ICT Solomon Islands), all ICANN78 fellows, host a virtual session – ‘Meeting with the IG Experts in Asia Pacific‘.