9/26 @CraigNewmark – Social Media: The New Frontier of Global Leadership @BarnardCollege
On Thursday September 26 2013 Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, and an inductee to the Internet Hall of Fame, will present the topic Social Media: The New Frontier of Global Leadership at Barnard College. Craig will speak on how he went from being a nerd and an outsider to a decision to forego big-money Silicon Valley in favor of “doing well by doing good.” In 2011, Craig launched craigconnects, an initiative to link up everyone on the planet using the Internet to bear witness to good efforts and encourage the same behavior in others.
ISOC-NY members are invited. Admission is free. No registration required. No webcast.
What: Social Media: The New Frontier of Global Leadership
When: Thursday September 26 2013 5pm EDT
Where: Julius S. Held Lecture Hall, 304 Barnard Hall, 3009 Broadway, NYC (@ 118th St)
Twitter: @craignewmark