WEBCAST JAN 11 – A11yNYC – Broke with Accessible Taste: Understanding the Economics of Digital Access in US
On Tuesday January 11 2022 at 7pm-8pm EST (00:00-01:00 UTC Jan12) the Accessibility NYC Meetup (A11yNYC) hosts an online meetup ‘Broke with Accessible Taste: Understanding the Economics of Digital Access in US‘.
Conversations about digital accessibility are predominantly centered on the technical and monetary expenses of implementation in products and applications. Missing from these conversations are socioeconomic factors faced by people with disabilities that can be significant blockers to digital access more than any design or technical inaccessibility.
Crystal Preston Watson will dive into learning about the economic realities of disability in America and the repercussions of overlooking those realities in digital access.
The meetup will be webcast live via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Accessibility SIG
LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11yeconomics (Open Captions)
PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM: https://www.meetup.com/A11yNYC/events/282246008/ (CC)
REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=a11ynyc
TWITTER: #a11yeconomics @ScopicEngineer @A11ysig @a11ynyc #Accessibility #a11y #Captioned
https://youtu.be/NBJ2vvt2cyg (Comments monitored)
https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/ (Open Captions)
https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive (Open Captions)
https://www.facebook.com/isocny/live (Open Captions)
https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc (Open Captions)