WEBCAST TODAY: Innovation, Security, and the Internet of Things #secureiot #G7Charlevoix
Today, Wednesday June 6 2018, at 8am EDT, as a side event to the 2018 G7 Summit, the Internet Society North America Bureau presents ‘Innovation, security, and the Internet of Things‘ – a breakfast panel in Ottawa, Canada. Panelists: Jeff Wilbur, Director, Online Trust Alliance; Katie Watson, Policy Advisor, Internet Society; Jacques Latour, Chief Technology Officer, Canadian Internet Registration Authority; Mike Hoye, Engineering Community Manager, Mozilla. Moderator: David Akin, Global News Canada. The event will be webcast live on the Internet Society Livestream Channel.
View on Livestream: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/secureiot
Twitter: #secureIoT http://bit.ly/2suuAHg