WEBCAST TODAY: @InternetSociety Report – ‘Paths to our Digital Future’ Launch w/ @SAWentworth @amunyua @paulacortereal + Leonard Kleinrock #shapetomorrow
Today January 5 2018 at 7pm EST the Internet Society Livestream Channel presents the launch the Internet Society 2017 Global Internet Report – ‘Paths to our Digital Future‘. In 2016, the Internet Society launched a project to take stock of the key forces of change that could impact the future of the Internet. The broad Internet community was engaged via multiple surveys, interviews, and roundtables. The full report was released on September 18 2017, with a distinguished panel discussing its findings, to kick off InterCommunity 2017
PANEL: Sally Wentworth, Dr. Leonard Kleinrock, Alice Munyua, Paula Côrte Real. MODERATOR: Adnan Nawaz.
View on Livestream: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/future/
Download the Report: https://future.internetsociety.org/
Andrea Romaoli Garcia 7:52 pm on January 5, 2018 Permalink |
The architecture of the internet is only part of the solution to ensure greater security.
People should helps the architecture by checking sources of information before sharing.
Brazil is experiencing a critical political moment.
Brazilians fight against corruption and at this point the free internet is an instrument of democracy.
It is through the internet that the Brazilian people express themselves against the rulers because popular movements in the streets can be harshly repressed by the government.
Ensuring free, secure internet to broad is to protect democracy.