WEBINAR TUESDAY: Can We Make IPv4 Great Again? w/ @AbrahamYChen
On Tuesday March 7 2017 at noon EST the Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) presents a webinar Can We Make IPv4 Great Again?. Abraham Y. Chen, VP of Engineering, Avinta Communications, will present his EzIP proposal to reinvigorate the diminishing pool of IPv4 addresses. Please register at the link below. This will be recorded.
What: WEBINAR: Can We Make IPv4 Great Again?
When: Tuesday March 7 2017 Noon EST | 17:00 UTC
Register + info: https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/238164448/
Computer: https://zoom.us/j/914492141
Phone: http://bit.ly/zoomphone ID: 914 492 141
Twitter: #ezip
Bio: https://isoc-ny.org/misc/AYC_Bio.pdf
Summary: https://isoc-ny.org/misc/CanWeMakeIPv4GreatAgain.pdf
References: https://isoc-ny.org/misc/CanWeMakeIPv4GreatAgain_References.pdf