@InternetSociety joins @CenDemTech and others in condemning Social Media snooping at U.S. Borders #netfreedom #NoPassForGov
Today the Internet Society joined with 50 other organizations to issue a joint statement expressing concerns about a proposal to require disclosure of social media account passwords as a condition of entry to the U.S.:
A companion statement from our President and CEO Kathy Brown: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/public-policy/2017/02/internet-society-speaks-out-against-proposed-password-disclosure has been shared on @InternetSociety social media channels at:
- https://twitter.com/internetsociety/status/834044479501959169
- https://www.facebook.com/InternetSociety/photos/a.10150120109253239.254763.56134108238/10154045837103239/?type=3&theater
- https://plus.google.com/+InternetSociety/posts/92XyJvx4yzk
There is also a supporting post explaining more about why social media accounts are of such a great concern: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/tech-matters/2017/02/danger-giving-social-media-passwords-so-many-other-services-are-connected
Any assistance with amplifying these messages on social channels would be greatly appreciated.
Albert Williams BSc hons Comp and IT (Open) MBCS 6:13 am on February 23, 2017 Permalink |
Thanks for sharing. I have begun the process of sharing the statement on my social media platforms, and I am in the process of preparing my own response.