0900 EDT Today: @InternetSociety members open webinar on #governance #igf #wsis
Today, Thursday June 5 2014, at 0900 EDT|1300 UTC, the Internet Society will hold an open webinar to consult with members on Internet governance. As we move ahead into the year with major conferences that will shape the future of the Internet, the intent is to prepare for the WSIS+10 Review, share post-NETmundial insights as well as exchange on IGF issues. With a large portion of the time allocated to dialogue, the proposed agenda is structured with a view to maximizing interactions between all Members and staff. All members are invited to attend.
Webex link: https://isoc.webex.com/isoc/j.php?MTID=mbf448c2f1a18e6e9a2b5302dc0bf3664
Phone bridge: : 1-650-479-3208 (US/Canada) | (elsewhere) — access code:927 984 736
Webinar format (60 min):
- High-level overview for each topic by ISOC staff (3 minutes maximum)
- Contributions from Members, interactive dialogue for each topic
0. Introduction – Putting 2014-2015 into perspective
1. Building on NETmundial outcomes
2. Preparing for WSIS+10 and IGF
Useful links:
ISOC@WSIS+10: http://www.internetsociety.org/wsis10-2014-and-why-it-matters-you
WSIS+10 event website: http://www.itu.int/wsis/implementation/2014/forum/
Webcast of last week’s final preparatory meeting http://www.itu.int/wsis/review/mpp/pages/webcast.html
If you are planning on attending WSIS+10, please let ISOC know: https://internetsociety2.wufoo.com/forms/isoc-members-wsis-high-level-event/