WEBCAST FRI: From Bleak House to Geek House: Evolving Law for Entrepreneurial Lawyers – Brooklyn Law School #brooklawgeek
On Friday April 4 2014 will present a symposium From Bleak House to Geek House: Evolving Law for Entrepreneurial Lawyers at Brooklyn Law School. Participants will focus on challenges and opportunities that are changing legal education and the practice of law. This program will feature lightning talks and expert panels on new issues facing the legal system, changes in law and legal practice that are needed and are underway, and how the future of law and legal practice might look. In addition to the presentations and talks, this program will also include demonstrations of forward-looking legal products and services exemplifying the new face of law practice. The entire event will be webcast live via YouTube, see below.
What: From Bleak House to Geek House: Evolving Law for Entrepreneurial Lawyers
Where: Brooklyn Law School NYC
When: Friday April 4 2014 9:00am – 5:30pm EDT | 1400-22.30 UTC
Agenda: http://www.brooklaw.edu/en/newsandevents/events/2014/~/media/88DD1F044EB043C3BDFC29D4302E6152.ashx
Webcast: http://bit.ly/brooklawgeeklive
Twitter: #brooklawgeek