Webcast: The Elections and Internet Policy #isocdc #netneutrality #broadband #fcc
On Thursday September 20 2012, the Internet Society’s Washington DC Chapter (ISOC-DC) will webcast live its discussion “The Elections and Internet Policy“.
The 2012 Presidential and Congressional elections are less than two months away. While Internet policy is not a “hot button” issue, the platforms for both parties devote paragraphs to Internet issues such as Net Neutrality, cybersecurity, and Internet freedom–and there are significant differences.
Join us for a lively roundtable discussion on questions such as: How would Internet policy change in a Romney Administration? What will be the most pressing issues facing the President and the Congress in 2013? If the Republicans win the Senate, will we see new approaches to telecommunications and Internet policy?
What: The Elections and Internet Policy
Where: Google DC, 1101 New York Ave., N.W., Second floor, WDC
When: Thursday September 20 2012 – 6.30pm-8.00pm EDT | 2230-0000 UTC
Webcast: http://www.isoc-dc.org/isoc-dc-tv/
Twitter: #ISOCDCSpeakers:
- Phil Bond, Petrizzo Bond (and former CEO of TechAmerica and former Undersecretary for Technology at the Department of Commerce during the Bush Administration)
- John Kneuer, JKC Consulting (and former head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
- Eddie Lazarus, former Chief of Staff of the Federal Communications Commission from 2009 to 2012
Moderator: Michael Nelson – Georgetown U.