Video: House hearing on #BTOP grants #broadband
On May 16 2012 the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a Hearing on Broadband Loans and Grants, aka BTOP.
* Henry Waxman Opening Statement | video
- Larry Strickling, (NTIA) Testimony | Video
- Jonathan Adelstein, (RUS) Testimony| Video
- Todd Zinser, U.S. Department of Commerce Testimony | Video
- David Gray, U.S. Department of Agriculture Testimony | video
- Q&A – video
Todd Zinser appeared to give the best overview of overall spending and his testimony includes this chart:
(CCI = comprehensive community infrastructure, PCC=public computer centers, SBA=sustainable broadband adoption)
As can be seen on the chart, infrastructure projects – many held up by environmental or other permit concerns – are lagging in fund uptake. Some may even miss the deadline (Sep 2013).
The Q&A focused on overspending and fraud on the Dem side, and more existential questions from the GOP side.