WEBCAST JUL 9 – UN Cybercrime Convention: Will states give in disagreements for the sake of a global common threat?

ISOC LIVEOn Tuesday July 9 2024, at 13:00 UTC, ISOC.LIVE will webcast an edited version of the July 2nd DiploFoundation (Diplo) and Geneva Internet Platform Digital Watch observatory (digwatch) panel ‘UN Cybercrime Convention: Will states give in disagreements for the sake of a global common threat?‘ .

The Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime (AHC) is tasked with presenting a draft convention to the UN General Assembly at its 78th session in September 2024. The AHC was supposed to finalize the draft at its 7th meeting in February 2024, however the the meeting ended inconclusively, with some apparent serious disagreements, and will be reconvened in New York from 29 July – 9 August 2024.

The session is aimed at identifying expectations (if any) from the concluding session and highlighting elements that define a positive outcome of this process, based on the insights of different experts and stakeholders.

Tatiana Tropina, Assistant Professor in Cybersecurity Governance, ISGA, Leiden University
Alexander Seger, Head of Cybercrime Division, the Council of Europe
Katitza Rodriguez, Policy Director for Global Privacy, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Paloma Lara-Castro, Public Policy Coordinator, Derechos Digitales
Yuliya Shlychkova, Vice President, Public Affairs, Kaspersky
Nemanja (Neno) Malisevic, Director, Digital Diplomacy, Microsoft

Anastasiya Kazakova, Cyber Diplomacy Knowledge Fellow, DiploFoundation
Bojana Kovac, Researcher, DiploFoundation.

LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/diplo-cybercrime

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