WEBCAST NOV 15 – @A11yNYC – Marketing in Accessibility – Bryan Stromer
On Tuesday November 15 2022 at 5:30pm-6:30pm EST (22:30-23:30 UTC) the Accessibility NYC Meetup (A11yNYC) hosts ‘Marketing in Accessibility‘ at the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library in NYC. Bryan Stromer will draw from his experience as a Disabled marketer in Corporate America to share his ethos to ensure people with disabilities are recognized and valued by brands. His presentation will focus on how he found his way into marketing, his work in the technology space, and how he brings a global perspective to his work.
The meetup will be webcast live via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Accessibility SIG
LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11ynyc1122 (Open Captions)
PARTICIPATE VIA YOUTUBE: https://www.meetup.com/a11ynyc/events/289472533/
REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=a11ynyc
TWITTER: #A11yMarketing @BryanStromer @NYPLHeiskell @a11ynyc @A11ysig #a11y #Captioned
SIMULCASTS (Open Captions)
https://youtu.be/mw2Ym_U-TF4 (Comments monitored)