WEBCAST APR 18 – IPv6 Migration: Need, Issues, and Process

livestreamOn Monday April 18 2022 at 11:00-12:15 IST (05:30-06:45 UTC) the Internet Society Hyderabad Chapter will host a webinar ‘IPv6 Migration: Need, Issues, and Process‘.

The ISOC Hyderabad Chapter Working Group on IPv6 is focusing on capacity building, from knowledge sessions to IPv6 deployment projects, to engage ISOC academic hubs in India on the most happening technology. This talk will discuss the motivation to migrate Institutional networks to IPv6, the significance of being IPv6-ready, and challenges and opportunities, drawing on the experience gained while migrating an institutional campus network to IPv6.

Dhruv Dhody, Huawei / IIESoc / INTC
Mohit P. Tahiliani, NITK, Surathkal / GSoc Org / NS-3 Consortium
K Mohan Raidu, President, ISOC Hyderabad

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/hyd-ipv6

PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://tinyurl.com/2p93ckb5

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/3xzL9Uk

TWITTER #ipv6 #IPv6migration @isochyderabad @IIESoc_in #INTC @DhruvDhody @HuaweiIndia @mohittahiliani @cosh_nitk #GSoc #ns3 @isocapac #StrongInternet 

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