Aram Sinnreich – Music in the Networked Age – NYU Mon 12/6
The Internet Society’s New York Chapter is happy to co-sponsor Aram Sinnreich addressing the topic ‘Music in the Networked Age’ as part of Evan Korth’s Computers & Society Speaker Series at NYU on Dec 6 2010. The event will videotaped for later webcast.
What: Aram Sinnreich – Music in the Networked Age
When: Monday Dec 6 2010 : 3.30pm – 4:45pm
Where: Warren Weaver Hall NYU Rm 109, 251 Mercer st NYC
Who: Public welcome. Photo id required.
“Music in the Networked Age.”
Music has always served as a map for social organization, and vice versa. Today, new networked communications technologies are changing the way we connect, and changing our musical patterns, as well. Yet our laws, economies and ethics are still moored in a linear, hierarchical mode, producing a massive quantity of friction, and turning hundreds of millions of us into unwitting lawbreakers. Will the new, networked ethic succeed in reforming musical culture and industry? Or will the forces of the status quo successfully squelch this emerging social and cultural dynamic?
Aram Sinnreich is an assistant professor at Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information, and the author of the recent book “Mashed Up: Music, Technology and the Rise of Configurable Culture.” He has written about music and technology for The New York Times, Billboard, and Wired News, has testified as an expert witness in several cases including the Supreme Court file sharing suit MGM vs. Grokster, and has offered his expertise as an analyst and consultant to hundreds of companies, from major labels to fledgling startups, since 1997.
joly 2:35 am on January 24, 2011 Permalink |