WEBCAST SEP 20-SEP 22: Caribbean Telecommunications Union ICT Week 2021 #CTUICTWeek2021 @TheCtunion

livestreamOn Monday 20 September – Friday 24 September, 2021 the Caribbean Telecommunications Union hosts CTU ICT Week 2021 with the theme ‘Regional Imperatives for Digital Transformation Post COVID-19‘.

There have been many COVID-19 success stories at the national level within CARICOM Member States, including digital platforms to manage testing, vaccination programmes, and travel. ICT Week presents an opportunity for Caribbean countries to learn from each other regarding what has worked well, and what opportunities exist to share knowledge and build capacity regionally. This is particularly important as regional governments seek to create a travel “bubble” within CARICOM that would facilitate easy and safe movement within the Single Space.

Two public sessions will be livestreamed. (all times AST = UTC-4)

Monday 20th September 2021, 1:30pm-4:00pm – Joint Meeting of 43rd Executive Council(EC43) + 24th General Conference of Ministers (GC24)
This session will feature presentations of the projects and initiatives of the CTU Secretariat and Members.

Wednesday 22nd September 2021, 9:00am -3:30pm – 17th Ministerial Seminar
This session will feature presentations by various ICT industry leaders and is designed to bring policy-makers up to speed with new and emerging technology trends that may require public policy interventions.

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/CTUICTWeek2021

FULL AGENDA https://ctu.int/event/ict-week-september-2021/#tab-2

PARTICIPATION https://events.hubilo.com/ict-week/register

TWITTER #CTUICTWeek2021  @TheCtunion

http://bit.ly/CTUICTWeeklive (CTU YouTube)
