WEBCAST THURSDAY: Improving Mobility by Assisting Cognition: A Case Study w/ Romain Delgrange @A11yVR @AllySIG @romain_dlg #cognitivescience #XRAccess #XR #a11y
On Thursday July 1 2020 at 7am EDT (11:00 UTC) the Accessibility VR Meetup hosts ‘Improving Mobility by Assisting Cognition: A Case Study‘ on Mozilla Hubs. To date, existing navigational aids (mobile apps, GPS) remain weakly adapted to the cognitive needs of human beings. This is especially true for people with cognitive disabilities, who face specific difficulties when it comes to finding one’s way in the city. Romain Delgrange will present a new study assessing the effectiveness and usability of a prototypal aid designed to meet the needs of people with cognitive disabilities. The session will be webcast live via a partnership with the Internet Society Accessibility SIG (A11ySIG).
LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11yvr6 (open captions)
PARTICIPATE: https://hubs.mozilla.com/G6edX79/a11yvr-project/ (open captions)
REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=a11yvr
TWITTER: @a11yvr #cognitivescience @romain_dlg
SIMULCASTS (open captions)