VOTE TODAY! @InternetSociety #CHAPTERTHON2018 Project Videos #secureiot #getiotsmart #secureit #shapetomorrow
Today, Thursday November 22 2018, is the last day Internet Society members can vote on which Chapter will win Chapterthon 2018. 43 participating Chapters around the world had the same time (45 days) and funding (2000 USD) available to implement a project on the same global topic, which this year was “The Internet of Things (IoT) –The future is ours to shape”. Each project’s deliverable was to submit a 3 minute video to be judged by the community, all of which can be seen on YouTube, and will also be streamed today at 10am EST (15:00 UTC) on the Internet Society Livestream Channel 2. If you didn’t as yet. VOTE NOW!
View on Livestream:
View on YouTube:
Twitter: #chapterthon2018