WEBCAST Mon-Wed: Argentine School Of Internet Governance #ARGENSIG2018
From Monday October 1 2018 to Wednesday October 3 2018 the 2nd Argentine School Of Internet Governance (ARGENSIG) is taking place in Buenos Aires. During three full days of intensive training, participants will learn how the Internet is governed, with a special focus on national and regional development, sustainable development goals, freedom of expression, cybersecurity, digital economy, the role of global organizations such as ICANN, ISOC, IETF, LACNIC, LAC IGF, the IGF Internet Governance Forum, legal aspects of security and privacy, SMEs and e-commerce, new business opportunities, new technological challenges, digital content challenges, the digital divide and its consequences, among other issues. The event is being webcast live via YouTube.
WHAT: 2nd Argentine School Of Internet Governance
WHERE: Buenos Aires
WHEN: Monday October 1 2018 to Wednesday October 3 2018
PROGRAM: http://www.argensig.org/argensig2018/tpl/pdf/ARGENSIG2018Programa.pdf
WATCH: https://bit.ly/argensiglive
TWITTER: #argensig2018 https://bit.ly/argensig2018