WEBCAST TODAY: Digital Economy For Africa @WorldBank #digitalafrica
Today, Thursday April 19 2018 at 11am EDT (15:00 UTC) the World Bank hosts Digital Economy For Africa in Washington DC. Technology can help African countries skip traditional development stages to fast-forward economic growth, manage resources more efficiently, and bring essential services to even the most vulnerable people. To leverage these opportunities, how can public and private actors come together to expand connectivity to all? How can Africa equip its workforce with the skills needed to thrive in the digital world? How can countries across the region coordinate their efforts to foster entrepreneurship and create a regional digital ecosystem? Tech pioneers, public sector leaders, and development partners will address these questions and discuss what it will take for Africa to build a sustainable, secure, and inclusive digital economy.
View the webcast: http://live.worldbank.org/digital-economy-africa
Twitter: #digitalafrica