WEBCAST WED-FRI -Caribbean Network Operators Group 15th regional gathering in Miami #CaribNOG15 #ARIN41
On Wednesday April 18 to Friday April 20, 2018 the Caribbean Network Operators Group meets at CaribNOG 15 in Miami, Florida immediately following ARIN’s public policy meeting ARIN 41. At CaribNOG 15 network operators, telecommunications regulators, members of academia, ISPs, engineering and computer science students, special interest groups and government representatives attend technical discussions that seek to better position the Caribbean to address critical technology challenges and issues and to collaboratively derive relevant solutions. The event is being webcast live, and relayed on the Internet Society Livestream Channel. Miami is EDT (UTC-4) same as NYC.
What: CaribNOG15
Where: Miami, FL
When: Wed-Fri April 18-20, 2018
Agenda: http://bit.ly/2HeFvKr
Webcast: http://www.caribnog.org/webcast
Livestream relay: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/caribnog15 (auto captions)
Twitter: #CaribNOG15