Summary of ICANN VI WG Proposals #icann @igfalert
Prof. Milton Mueller has, in a blog post entitled A new era in domain name economics?, summarized the various positions in the ICANN Vertical Integration Working Group. Resolution of VI question – the degree of cross-ownership between registries and registrars – is the one remaining outstanding block to the rollout of new gTLDs.
- DAGv4 The Nairobi resolution. Zero cross ownership.
* RACK The status quo. 15% limitations on cross-ownership. No exceptions
- Free Trade No limitations, but equal access
- JN2+ No limitation on cross ownership. Registrars could not sell their registry owners TLDs. Exceptions for single registrant TLDs, community TLDs and Orphan TLDs.
- Competition Authority Model Full cross-ownership allowed, subject to approval by a special panel.
At present the JN2+ proposal is currently leading with 69% of the WG saying they could live with it. The WG is tasked with coming up with a solution before the ICANN board next meets in September.
More: Vertical Integration PDP
joly 2:05 am on July 24, 2010 Permalink |
The GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group Initial Report is now posted for public comment.
joly 3:52 pm on August 9, 2010 Permalink |
At-Large reference documents / workspaces:
*Community call on Vertical Integration Initial Report (held on 3 August 2010)
*Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries (PDF)
*At-Large workspace on Vertical Integration
*Workspace of the GNSO Working Group on Vertical Integration