WEBCAST JUN 25 – Internet Shutdowns, and How to Stop Them

ISOC LIVEOn Tuesday June 25 2024 at 09:00-10:30 EDT (13:00-14:30 UTC) the Internet Society Washington DC Chapter (ISOC-DC) and the Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) in collaboration with Access Now will host a webinar ‘Internet Shutdowns, and How to Stop Them‘.

It is an unfortunate fact that, in some regions of the world, our best efforts to make an ‘Internet for Everyone’ are all too often undercut by deliberate withdrawals of service, mandated by the powers that be. Three organizations have taken it upon themselves to shine light on this issue: Access Now, with its #KeepItOn advocacy campaign to oppose shutdowns; The Internet Society on its Pulse platform, which has not only a Shutdown Tracker, but also a Netloss Calculator to estimate the resulting economic damage; and Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, which specifically tracks legal challenges to shutdowns.

Natalia Krapiva, Senior Tech-Legal Counsel, Access Now
[SHRINKING DEMOCRACY, GROWING VIOLENCE – Internet shutdowns in 2023]

Joan Barata, Senior Legal Fellow, Future Free Speech Project
[Internet Shutdowns in international law]

Dan York, Director, Internet Technology, Internet Society
[Global Internet Shutdowns]


LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/internetshutdowns

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/4eFtiOU

TWITTER #InternetShutdowns @natynettle @accessnow #KeepItOn @danyork @InternetSociety @isoc_pulse @JoanBarata @SpeechFuture @ColumbiaGFoE @CL_Horne @AmericanU @isocdc @isocny

MASTODON  #InternetShutdowns

